Thursday, June 29, 2006

Greg's J-O-B

Greg's job is going great! He supervises 30 people that pick orders of parts that need to go to dealers, shops and people that need to fix their machines. He's learning and catching on to everything and will be running the joint in no time. :)

I am still the copy queen. It's alright, something to do for now still. I will find something more glamourous! I don't know what, but we'll see what's out there.

Here are some pictures...

We were walking down by River Street and here are some ships being loaded for shipping. You can see the little boat on the right and realize how ginormous the ships are and the bridge!

Here's a closer look at the boats.

And here I am at Taylor Street...Taylor saw this pic and thought it was neat.

Crap, gotta get cruising to work!

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