Friday, May 12, 2006


The magnolias are blooming! There are a few trees right in the park, just a couple blocks away. They are ginormous things! Here's a few pics of the process. These are all different blooms on a couple different trees that I just took pictures of today. If ya'll hurry, there's a ton more to see! :)

I'm just a little bugger

I feel a new dawn calling me out

Here I am in all my southern glory

So tired of being pretty


Porter loves the park. We got one of those crazy walk-about leashes that usually give people rope burn, but it's handy at the park...I can walk 3 feet away while he poos!

I was a freaking bird! I was walking around town and thought I ran into a, it was a nightingale or some weird freak of nature dive-bombing me. It got me twice...just grabbed at my hair. Avoid that corner! I don't remember the cross street, but it's somewhere on Drayton. Little bastard. Some guy said it's been doing it for years. Needless to say, whenever I hear the call of the nightingale, I duck my head and look around for the bugger.

We've been job hunting. I think I've had some good luck this week...we'll see what happens. I will report when I know for sure!

Tonight we're going to eat at SixPence Pub (where Julia Roberts discovered her cheating husband Dennis Quaid in "Something To Talk About") and then go to City Market to Savannah Blues to listen to a band.

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