Thursday, July 19, 2007

33 weeks, the shower and stuff

Here we are at 33 weeks! Thor's been really living up to his name today...he lives in my ribs and I think he likes to stretch out and practice right hooks and kickboxing on whatever is near. A few of them have hurt could've been all the excitement of breaking open the 1/2 pound Hershey bar from Niagara Falls I got from my niece. :)

The doctor appointment: super fine...gained 2 lbs in the last 3 weeks. We go back in 2 weeks and will get to meet another one of the doctors at the practice, which is good...if we go naturally it'll depend on which one of the four docs is on call who delivers. If we have to do the c-section, it'll be one week before the due date. I didn't get into specifics, as in picking the exact day tho...we'll wait and see what the next ultrasound will entail. That will be in the first week of August. That's about all I learned I guess. After this next appointment (July 31st) I get to start going every week! Oh boy.

The shower: awesome! A great turn-out and fabulous gifts all around! Here's just a small sampling. :) The diaper cake was so cool! And here I am with the delicious cake! It was marble with mint chocolate chip ice cream, good job Renee! Her neighbor made it who is actually opening a bakery in Beaver Dam towards the end of the summer.
There's more pictures out there...I'm waiting to see them myself! :) My battery died.

Lake Days: That was fun! I made it until bar time saturday night, can you believe it?!?! It was nice being outside at the park as long as we were...that kept me cool and comfy. Got to see some people, but it wasn't too obscene.

This weekend is the Sutton Family Reunion...we'll come to BD saturday and leave sunday morning (either Porter farted or there's a skunk in the neighborhood, yuck!) 'cause I have to work at the Target alllll day. I would like to wear a sign there too...the customers like to know when I'm due and what it is and is this your first? I saw a nurse there too that works in the baby ward where Thor will be born...she said that births are double this year as to last at this time! Holy smokes. She said hopefully it'll slow down when we come in...she's really hoping it does!

Ohhh, good news! We got a reasonable offer on the house! Yay! We're just waiting for some final word on one part and then it's good as done. Everyone keep their fingers crossed the next couple days!

Alright, I'm tired and I can't think anymore. I'm finally getting that baby brain or mommy brain, whatever it's called. Zoinks.

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