A little update...I went back on friday (after my glorious half day spa day) to the Birthing Inn for another NST test. Same thing going on, contractions, can't feel it, blah, blah, blah. This time Dr. Ambroe was on duty so he took care of me. They watched me for awhile and then a nurse walked in with a gown. DOH! They kept me there for 3 days. I got a shot of steroids and was put on Magnesium (muscle relaxer to relax the uterus.) The steroids (which was a shot in the butt, owww!) are for the girls lungs just in case. The magnesium did work, slowed down the contractions and made me all flushed and weird. I got my 2nd dose of steroids on saturday (24 hours later, one reason for the hospital stay,) other side of the butt and then they took me off the magnesium. So after 5pm saturday I was IV free! I had to have the heart beat and contraction belts on for awhile tho, see if everything stayed down. The girls were doing great as normal and I got to loose those belts later that night, so I was down to one plug for the contraction belt! Whoohoo!
Sunday morning Doc came in and he checked everything, everything was still the same and I got to go home about 10am. Yay!
The Birthing Inn was BUSY to say the least and I was the only one there just hanging out so I was low man on the totem pole, which was just fine. Eventually I ended up plugging myself back in after bathroom breaks even. Can't foul up one cord eh? I found out there were 10 births over the weekend, 2 emergency c-sections on friday! I heard lots of running and crying and laughter, so it was kind-of sweet.
Oh yes, I did have another ultrasound on saturday morning. Leftie is 4lbs and Rightie is 4lbs 6oz. I felt a lot better after seeing them again and knowing their size is pretty good! Here is the one picture...their heads together and hair! They are both head down yet and facing my back, so no good profile shots. Leftie looked like she had some chubby legs too! And as I write, Rightie has the hiccups. Crap...I can't get the disk to read, have to try later.
I went to the doc on monday and I go back for the NST test again wednesday and saturday (twice a week) and just keep plugging away...bed rest, do nothing (yawn!) and lots of beverages! I don't feel any of the contractions, which is good and nothing is dilated or ready otherwise.
Greg has my car and the camera is in the car, so I don't have any other pics right now. I need a 33 weeker!
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