In case you were suffering from Jake and Porter withdrawals, here's your fix! Jake is such a poser...he sat on his stool and posed for me for as long as I wanted him to. But when I asked him to give Porter a hug, he wouldn't and Porter would walk away. They really do love each other...only when they want to!

Here is 35 and a half weeks....

And here is 36 weeks. Pay no attention to the "battle marks". Ugh. Seriously, how much bigger can this thing go?!?!?

Tomorrow is another trip up to Froedert for the weekly ultrasound (started last week.) One week they look at the biophysics (breathing, fluids, heart rate, etc.) of the ladies and the other week they look at their growth. On Friday 4/17 Leftie was 4lbs 7oz and Rightie was 4lbs 8oz. The whole reason for this new precaution is that their bellies measure just a smidge under what they should be. So that just means we'll have skinny girls, just like their brother! Everything looks great otherwise! I still go for my twice a week NST's and haven't had any problems there. And then of course the regular doctor visits here once a week. I'm a busy girl!
But the big news, only 2 more weeks! Unless the cage fighters decide to make their own birthday, they'll be coming May 12th in the afternoon. Wahooo! Then let the real fun begin. I can't wait to heal up and not have an extra 20lb bowling ball in my front. So far, I'm up 23 lbs and one chin. Dang mint brownies.
Suns out, I think I'll go catch some of it!
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