Jake likes to help make stuff...he kind-of stirs, but his best attribute is cleaning out the bowl...
He is clean once-in-awhile! That lasts for maybe a hour.

I made it out of the hospital after a hour of the nst test today! The contractions are still there, can't feel them, everything else looks good, toodle-loo! Yay! It was nice to have a non-needle experience! Go back again on saturday...will continue this for the remainder of the time I believe (twice a week visits.) And regular doc visits every week.
Good night!
I love the description of the non-stress test. "...the technician may nudge him gently through your abdomen or try to wake him with a buzzer..."
Have they done that to you and the girls yet? ;-)
Um, no, there has been no need for nudging or buzzing these busy bodies!
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