First off, meet Riley Robert Okon...Born 4/28/07 around noon. 6lb 15oz, 21"...a little noodle! Everyone is doing splendidly and Tara is adjusting to being a mother of a boy!
Second off, meet Thor, God of least in my belly! Yup, it's a boy! A very active boy. And no doubt about either one per the ultrasound tech.
And here is the last two weeks:
21 weeks

I freak out each time I see my profile in the mirror...where did that come from!!?!? Although I think I've only gained 8 pounds or so overall. So far. The best is yet to come! Last week (5/2) I had another appt because I'm a new patient and when checking the heart rate, he had the hiccups! I couldn't feel it (whew), but it was fun to hear.
Have to get prepared to buy some Def Leppard along with special guests Foreigner and Styx tickets. They're going to be at Summerfest. Should be a good time. I have 23 minutes! And I need a shower, but waiting for the towels to dry. Whoopee! And then going with Mom to a green house...add some curb appeal with a pot of flowers or something.
Oh my gosh, yesterday I had garage sale FEVER! I went to Lake Mills by Angie for their city wide sale and I did a little damage. Got Thor some excellent clothing...lots of new stuff even. Yay! I also found one of those bouncy vibrating chairs and a bouncing Tigger...Porter likes that!
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