We're at 24! I've actually been able to see my belly/skin MOVING with Thor...like when he pushes out, I see it move and to be honest, it freaks the CRAP out of me!!! There's a freaking little human being in there, and it has to come out. Come out?!?! And it's alive?!?! Freaking incredible. I'm very gald I'm not an elephant tho, 2 years of this? How do they cope? I also think I'm starting to feel the hiccups. They don't last very long thank goodness. What else...I'm enjoying all the excellent clothes I got from my friends and sister. See, it does pay to be the last in line in some respects! Oh yes, I have two registries,
Target &
Babies-r-us. I'm sure there'll still be some tweeking here and there...I want Greg to put in his two cents on the stroller thingy I picked out and I'm sure something's missing. You know that feeling...like going on a road trip and having that gut wrenching feeling you left the iron on, but really you forgot your toothbrush and the $3 one out of the vending machine hurts your gums...something like that.
Okay, here's 24 weeks...(the shorts are a different color, but they're the same cut/style as the grey ones.)

And here's Porter after a long day of being outside on his own!

(And now he's drooling and ready to puke at any second, hence why I'm not fast asleep at this point. What did those little freaking neighbor kids feed him?)
Good night, I think it's safe now.
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