Thursday, May 31, 2007

He's a keeper!

As I sit here shoving my face full of chocolate chip cookies, my 2+ pound alien thrashes around in my belly. If you know about the cookies, you understand the thrashing..."more mama, more!!!" So I dive into #3. They're small! I used the small scoop! Never too young for chocolate chip cookies!

Like I said, I had a doc appt yesterday...everything was fine, heartbeat was 154, the nurse was all excited...the doc said his head is down, but things can flip of course. Then he ordered another ultra sound so I had that today (31st). Pardon me, laundry Angie, I didn't hang any on the line this time, it's dark out!

I had to drink 32 oz of water in an hour this morning, my bladder hasn't felt right since! I don't think I quit made it to 32, I felt like I was going to spring a leak! And wouldn't you know as I was leaving the hospital I saw the glorious sign for the bathroom (stop #2), but the DUDE was in there cleaning!!! Typical. Men. I got a couple pictures, I can only really tell what one of them is all about. I asked for a picture of the manhood to show Greg, but she couldn't do that. Is that considered kiddie porn or something? But Greg has only seen the first u/s blob in person, if I have another one, hopefully they work with me to schedule it at a good time. Anyways, here's Thor at a little over 2 pounds, 26 weeks 2 days:

You can see his cute little nose and lips, chin...the fish looking thing above him is his arm. If you look good you can see his eyes or eyelids...I saw his ribs and the bones in his arms...and his little heart beating away like crazy. And I think he's folded up like a pretzel. I thought it was his hinder sticking out on my right side, but it sounds like it's an elbow that he throws out. I don't know, I couldn't really follow the tech on his position. I know where the head is and that's about it.

And here, if you can handle it, is his house. I made Greg watch my belly move this weekend...I don't think he liked it. It freaks me out too. But I think there's a noticeable difference in that belly! Yikes!

I suppose that covers...OOOH, Sara and Saul are coming home in July for the shower! Charles is going fishing in Mexico for bullheads or something. AND somebody had an excellent weekend without his feeding tube! Yay!!!

Now I think I got it all!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I burned my cheesy rice!

Well, not totally, but it did get a little crunchy. Luckily I am a rice-a-roni whiz and was able to save it. Whew!

So here's 25 weeks in all its glory. I believe it grew from friday to saturday's amazing.

I'm starting to get rather itchy too. And notice that fine curve of the spine, almost time for a massage! I might go cash in the change for that...shhh, don't tell Greg. haha!

Not much going on in Beaverland. The weather is divine...3-day weekend coming up...

I go for my monthly check-up next week wednesday, so I'll post again after that.

I think I need a nap!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

24 weeks

We're at 24! I've actually been able to see my belly/skin MOVING with when he pushes out, I see it move and to be honest, it freaks the CRAP out of me!!! There's a freaking little human being in there, and it has to come out. Come out?!?! And it's alive?!?! Freaking incredible. I'm very gald I'm not an elephant tho, 2 years of this? How do they cope? I also think I'm starting to feel the hiccups. They don't last very long thank goodness. What else...I'm enjoying all the excellent clothes I got from my friends and sister. See, it does pay to be the last in line in some respects! Oh yes, I have two registries, Target & Babies-r-us. I'm sure there'll still be some tweeking here and there...I want Greg to put in his two cents on the stroller thingy I picked out and I'm sure something's missing. You know that going on a road trip and having that gut wrenching feeling you left the iron on, but really you forgot your toothbrush and the $3 one out of the vending machine hurts your gums...something like that.

Okay, here's 24 weeks...(the shorts are a different color, but they're the same cut/style as the grey ones.)

And here's Porter after a long day of being outside on his own!

(And now he's drooling and ready to puke at any second, hence why I'm not fast asleep at this point. What did those little freaking neighbor kids feed him?)

Good night, I think it's safe now.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

23 weeks

and holy crap, only 17 to go? If that? Eeek!

Here Thor is in all his glory...

There was a showing on the house tonight. I forgot to do one thing...fold up a blanket and place a pillow on the couch correctly. Booger snots, there goes the sale. I'm wondering if it was the same people that stalked the house on sunday and a few hours later, even came up and rang the doorbell. Needless to say a nap was in progress and their call was not answered. Disturb my nap, how rude.

I just had the most boring night at work. We stop serving food at 10, I didn't have a table since 8pm. 5 people came in at 9:55 tho! Sat at the bar...not my domain.

Nighty night!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Meet Riley, Thor & Tigger

Where to begin! It's been a fun couple weeks, lots of stuff going on.

First off, meet Riley Robert Okon...Born 4/28/07 around noon. 6lb 15oz, 21"...a little noodle! Everyone is doing splendidly and Tara is adjusting to being a mother of a boy!

Second off, meet Thor, God of least in my belly! Yup, it's a boy! A very active boy. And no doubt about either one per the ultrasound tech.

And here is the last two weeks:

21 weeks

22 weeks

I freak out each time I see my profile in the mirror...where did that come from!!?!? Although I think I've only gained 8 pounds or so overall. So far. The best is yet to come! Last week (5/2) I had another appt because I'm a new patient and when checking the heart rate, he had the hiccups! I couldn't feel it (whew), but it was fun to hear.

Have to get prepared to buy some Def Leppard along with special guests Foreigner and Styx tickets. They're going to be at Summerfest. Should be a good time. I have 23 minutes! And I need a shower, but waiting for the towels to dry. Whoopee! And then going with Mom to a green house...add some curb appeal with a pot of flowers or something.

Oh my gosh, yesterday I had garage sale FEVER! I went to Lake Mills by Angie for their city wide sale and I did a little damage. Got Thor some excellent clothing...lots of new stuff even. Yay! I also found one of those bouncy vibrating chairs and a bouncing Tigger...Porter likes that!

Off to the towels! Happy weekend!