So here he is, hard at it, helping momma with inventory!
This is now our CHILDREN'S journal of their lives and ours that revolves around it. Oh yes, the sun, moon and earth revolve around them too. Enjoy!
Here they are...I didn't title any of them yet...I'll do that tomorrow (wednesday night) so check back again for explanations! And of course, I think they're backwards...so start with the one of Dad pretending to leap over the barrier! :) And end with their backyard flowers!
And today's report?!?! 8 pounds 1 ounce!!!
My camera is ready for 100+ pictures, so be ready for the onslaught when I get back!
That's about it for now...I have to go start supper, spaghetti, I'm lazy. I'm going to attempt blackened chicken again tomorrow night. My first try awhile ago wasn't very black, so we'll see!
Stay cool ya'll!
I'm experimenting with this thing. Here they are packed up and ready to go!
Okay, if you click on the "packed up and ready to go" you should be able to see all the photos from the trip. They keep coming up in reverse order, which is pee'ving me off...so if you can figure out how to start at the end and go back, that's the right order! Whew! And now I just noticed you can't see the packed up and ready to go...just move your curser under the picture on the colored line and it will change to the finger to go to the new link and click. I'll keep my fingers crossed. :)
I think that's about it in recent history.
I was able to show off my mad skills in Excel today at work! I wowed the socks off the customer and a co-worker. Teehee! Remember in Harry Potter when Dumbledore would take the swirls out of his noggin and put them in the pensieve? That is exactly what my brain does everytime I make a copy...whoop, whooop, whoooo, toodle-loo! And today, I made A LOT of copies. :)
And here's Porter enjoying his share. Just kidding...it's water, we just got back from a walk and he was thirsty!
Let's see, what else is going on...oh YEAH! Greg got a job! :) He's going to be a Team Leader in the Parts Dept. at JCB. He starts monday 10:30-7:30...kind-of weird hours if you ask me...which means I'm going to have to walk home from work. But at least I have that option of walking home! We can put off getting a 2nd vehicle for a few months yet which will be nice. Save the environment right...and gas money! I said I should get a little scooter (59mph? hot dog!), but Greg thinks people drive too nutty around here. Hrumph. Anyways...got off the subject eh? We're happy and Greg's excited, but sad his "vacation" is coming to an end. Teehee! He should be able to still come home in July unless they're real sticklers...they've needed this position filled for awhile, so we'll see what happens.
I think I covered it all now! There'll be more to chat about when Greg starts working I'm sure.
Have a good rest of the week ya'll!
The boys at Hooters in Nashville when we were on our move.
Had a good 3-day weekend...like I said the other day, Saturday we went to see X-Men 3, we sat waiting for a hour before they came and told us that the projector was broken. So we got our money back and came home, Greg took a nap and I went shopping! Yeah, there were so many people there and I couldn't find anything, so it was a wasted trip. Well, not that wasted, I did get some Avon Skin-So-Soft bug spray! The word on the street it's the only stuff for gnats, not to be confused with the local Savannah Sand Gnats minor league team. Oh and the new Dream Book from Hallmark. That's the ornament book for you lay-persons. That night, I got to sit around for 3 hours with no electricity! I wasted time at the park, on the phone, chatting up the neighbors...I survived!
Sunday we went to the beach again! It wasn't as beastly hot as last weekend, but get this, the water, the Atlantic Ocean water...it was warm! Was it 'cause the air was cooler? Or did the water warm up with all the 98 degree weather? I guess it just warms up. After the beach we headed back towards town and stopped at Tubby's in Thunderbolt where they were having a "beach party" welcoming summer. The local band, Hazzard County was playing while we ate (not impressed this time with the restaurant) and then we watched Cowboy Crush. We've been getting lucky here and there with some concerts lately! They were really good and pretty fun. Some of you might recognize Nobody Ever Died of A Broken Heart.
My dad is doing great! They have him up and walking around now and he's out of the ICU. Just a few tubes left in him yet. I hear he's getting bossy too!
Today, Monday...we did go and see X-Men, it was great! I liked it, so did Greg. And that's about it! Back to the salt mines tomorrow! Nighty Night ya'll!
Other News: Most of you know about my dad...but to get the rest of ya up to speed: he had a couple heart attacks this week and had a quadruple bypass on Tuesday night. Now, he is doing great! I talked to him for a little bit today, he got to sit up with the assistance of the bed. He said food doesn't look or taste good...I said that's cause there's no salt. So Mr. Chocolate & Cheeto's will now become Mr. Apple's & Banana's! But he is doing excellent and should be going home wednesday.
So other than that nothing has been going on. Greg's working all weekend, but we'll find some time to celebrate the 3-day weekend! Tomorrow, like I said, I'm going to celebrate with some shopping, do some girlie stuff...Sunday is possibly another beach day and a evening at Tubby's listening to a couple bands...and Monday, time for The Last Stand!
Here's a picture of our fireplace (non-working) area with the picture Greg's cousin did and some decor. It's one little area we have actually tied together and decorated!
Everyone have a great holiday weekend...Thank A VET!
I feel a new dawn calling me out
Here I am in all my southern glory
Porter loves the park. We got one of those crazy walk-about leashes that usually give people rope burn, but it's handy at the park...I can walk 3 feet away while he poos!
I was attacked...by a freaking bird! I was walking around town and thought I ran into a branch...no, it was a nightingale or some weird freak of nature dive-bombing me. It got me twice...just grabbed at my hair. Avoid that corner! I don't remember the cross street, but it's somewhere on Drayton. Little bastard. Some guy said it's been doing it for years. Needless to say, whenever I hear the call of the nightingale, I duck my head and look around for the bugger.
We've been job hunting. I think I've had some good luck this week...we'll see what happens. I will report when I know for sure!
Tonight we're going to eat at SixPence Pub (where Julia Roberts discovered her cheating husband Dennis Quaid in "Something To Talk About") and then go to City Market to Savannah Blues to listen to a band.