I had a little Pampered Chef open house saturday morning...turn-out, not so good, but got a couple orders so I can't complain. Hopefully some more orders trickle in. Anyways, friday night I just prepared for that and now I have left-overs galore! But they're all delicious and I'll eat it myself! Haha...no, I'll share! Okay, back to saturday...after my party fizzled out (okay after the one person left) I decided I better go and check out the outlet mall in South Carolina. Hold on, S. Carolina is only a stone's throw away, don't worry. But of course what was supposed to be a 1/2 hour drive turned into a hour drive. Being the dedicated shopper I am, I did not turn around tho when others were! What is wrong with these people? Did everyone just have to get to Hilton Head on saturday? NutS! But I eventually made it and had a glorious time! I did get some real errands done too, so don't worry, I wasn't selfish! Just a smidge tho.
Here is one reason I carry my camera with me...

It is not everyday you see a Transformer sticker on someone's truck at Bed Bath & Beyond! Go Megatron! And I'll be dang-gummited, there's a movie coming out next year. Heee! That cracks me up.
Saturday night I hung out with the neighbors that were here on there way down to Disney. They'll be back next weekend and we'll have a BBQ, yay! And then I spoiled them with the Cookies and Cream Supreme treat that I didn't even take out of the fridge for the open house. MmMmm. Here's something else I made, Cool & Creamy Chocolate Fondue that is of course delicious too. If anyone ever needs snacks or appetizers ideas, ask me! I've got all the ideas and they're so easy.
What else...I've been listening to The Hog 102.9 this weekend and they're broadcasting live from Summerfest 90% of the time. So I know there is currently a sever thunderstorm warning for Dodge County, does Greg? Ha! Ugh, today I drove around aimlessly looking for that man's birthday present. Needless to say I didn't find it, came home and looked on line. It's out of production and cost a pretty penny. I'll let you know what it is after he knows! (It's not a book.)
That's about it! I pick birthday boy up tomorrow afternoon...I'm thinking of begging work to let me be done for the day at that point too. (Whoah...I think they were supposed to bleep the f-word out of this Green Day song, but they didn't do a very good job...oops. Yup, that's my excitement for the day!)
Oh yes, announcement!!! My friend Angie just found out she's having a baby girl in November! Yay! I think they'll name her Kate, but they've been leaning towards Molly. Don't worry, I have some time to work on 'em. :) How Not To Name A Baby. I can tell you...do the banana fanna song and your good to go...
Kate Kate bow-bate
banana nana foe fate
me my mo mate
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