Saturday afternoon set a record high of 96 degrees. I'm pretty sure I was in Air Conditioning at that time!
Look at THIS...Savannah is actually catching up to Beaver Dam!
And THIS is right across the street from us to the side. I'm not really sure where the pool is yet, but I will keep my eyes peeled!
Let's see, what have we been up to? I've been working, ugh! I get so jealous of all the tourists going by. Back to the real world for me with no vacation in sight. Greg worked friday night...I watched the season finale of Grey's Anatomy and then I watched some Sex In the City episodes. Exciting stuff eh? Saturday we ran some errands then of course vegged out in the A/C for the afternoon. Greg worked again Saturday night and I, um...oh, did some house stuff...cleaned and what ever. Man, do I know how to whoop it up! Sunday we went to the beach, Yay! We were beach bums for almost 5 hours then came home and I made lasagna. Click on the link and I'll tell you where we the big aerial picture with the pier, we were to the right of that about at the 2nd long dark thing (the bridge over the dunes from the street to the beach).
I've heard those sacada bugs already! Now you know it's hot! Does anyone know how to spell that anyways? I was trying to look it up, but even the internet doesn't know what I mean!
Work is going fine. It reminds me of when I worked in the little print shop during college. I'm not sure when I'm going to go to the Southside...we're working on a big project right now, so I'll probably stick around for a little bit. The people are nice. One gal could be Megan Mullally's sister...she's hilarious! Or I should say Karen Walker's sister! It's a very family oriented business...the delivery guy (Chris) usually has to take the grandkids football practice gear to the Southside for grampa (owner) to take the grandkid to football practice. I find it all a little confusing, but it works I guess.
Another thing I noticed...people don't have the best manners around here. The office manager's wife (daughter of owner) was in, never got introduced. Junior (son of owner who runs a store) was in...he was there for a couple hours, never got introduced. Ruby who runs another store was in and she introduced herself to me after 20 minutes. Apparently you have to prove your worth around here or something? Or just do things yourself?
Alright, better get to bed for another fun filled day of work! It's actually not bad...I like the girl I'm being trained by and I get to see a lot of different people all day...not sitting at a computer all day...have a whole store front of windows to watch the world pass by out when does that "managerial" role kick in? :)
Have a good week ya''s supposed to be in the 80's and some showers here, won't have to move as slow.
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12 minutes ago
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