So I figured I should put this in writing somewhere, and what better place then here, where everyone can be included! Oh, no, it's nothing crazy...just what the girls and Jake have been up to and where they're at besides height and weight.
Speaking of height and weight...Jake is right around 30 pounds and at least 3'2"...he's grown, but I can't remember exactly right now and it's WAY upstairs. Let's see, what else...he's a copy cat.
Tonight he followed Dad who was mowing, around with his lawn mower. He does a lot of the same actions, tries to start it with an imaginary pull, fills it up with gas (which I had to grab the real gas can out of his hands.)
He tries to comfort his sisters...try being the key word...they usually just start crying harder. But he says the same words I do, today it was "it's okay honey, oh honey, it's alright." Jake is picking up on songs. Yesterday in the bath tub he got some "drums" and started in on the Pool Party song from Gabba, which he hasn't seen in ages. It took me awhile to get what he was saying, but I figured it out and tried to help him out...again, tried being the key word! He is a potty machine! Night time is another story I guess...but generally, I'm calling it, he's potty trained! And it's been months by the way. He LOVES to cook and help cook and make his own concoctions. Today he was going to make noodles. He got a pot and put water in it and put it on the stove...moved his stool by the noodle cupboard and wanted to make noodles. Listening, to who? I don't know, but I don't think it's me. He is sooooo busy doing what he needs to do, he doesn't have time for it.
The girls...are getting to be so much fun. They love to climb around on people and hang out. They don't sit still very long, busy like their brother. Jessie is walking a little bit. She'll take 4-5 steps or so...tonight was a new record tho, about 8 of 'em across the living room! Nita is a little more timid...she'll take a step or two and then revert back to crawling faster than fast. Man, they are fast. I guess when you've been crawling for almost 7 months, you get good at it! They both can climb up the stairs and are working on getting down now. They just did that one day on their own, like someone had shown them, they knew just what to do. I've been showing them a few signs...Nita picked up on "more" in the swing the other day. I've been showing them "all done" forever, but Nita just claps when she's done eating! And Jess, Houdini we call her, gets out of her straps in any chair and stands up to finish eating. Sometimes I find her in the middle of the table. Today I found her on the other side trying to climb down onto a chair. Jessie had been saying "go", but they're back to their twin talk and babble. The doc said between now and 2 is when you have to get on twins with the verbal skills. Their secret twin language can slow them down. I think Jessie is going to be quite the chatter box once she gets going. Nita will be the sneaky quiet one, yet a perfect angel, like her mama. :)
They're almost done with formula...I'm just finishing the last jug of it. They sleep excellent...Since I got rid of the morning nap, they usually are asleep in no time...they used to babble a lot when they went to bed. They each have two teeth on the bottom. No sign of any more, I don't think. Maybe they'll just pop through with no issues, that'd be nice! They were very crabby with the first ones, waking up a lot at night. There might be something going on now, one or both, or whatever, have been crying out in the night here and there, but nothing dramatic.
Our typical day: wake up around 7, get everyone together and downstairs, breakfast by 8. Monkey around, watch some shows, then are outside by 10 at the latest usually. Play around the yard a bit until Jake says it's time for a walk. We take the choo-choo wagon (best thing EVER) and head up by the lake.
Then we head back home and are having lunch around 11:30 and the girls go to bed between 12 and 12:30. Jake watches some shows, Gabba usually and then heads to bed around 1. Then, it's mama time! haha!'s usually spent cleaning up something, maybe a little computer time. I try to do house things from 1-2 and then have some straight mama time for a hour. I mean, one hour, that's okay right? So then, Jake is usually up around 3, sometimes later. and the girls get going about 3:30 or 4...Have a little snack and most days head back outside, waiting for the rest of the 'hood to get home and entertain us! Back inside around 6 for supper for the girls...usually everyone's eating from 6-7, then it's either bath time or just get ready for bed time. The girls go to bed about 7:30, 8 at the latest. Jake will lay in our bed and watch TV maybe or hang out with me and is out by 9...if he makes it. And me, once again, will be cleaning up.
That's about all I got for now. Pretty dull, but just little things to remember! And I spiced it up with some pictures!
Memorial Day Weekend coming up! The newest neighbors have some friends coming with a little girl that is a little older than Jake. Some get together's in the 'hood and hopefully a good time. We'll officially be a one-car-family as of saturday. Greg turns in his car. We haven't had it here for a few weeks now, it's been going okay. I don't really go anywhere during the day anyway, it's crazy with the 3 monkeys. This coming winter tho, that could be a problem! We'll go batty! Or maybe we'll just start riding the bus, the route is just a block away. Huh, always forget about that!
Okay, good night!
1 comment:
Awesome post, you are smart to get it down while you remember it. :)
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