Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Anita's Premier

And now, for your viewing pleasure...a baby, 5 and a half months old, "crawling" to get the ducky. Anita is a moving machine! Jess is a rolling machine. They are getting around pretty good. My sanity is allllmost gone...another month I bet!


Tokyo Biker Mommy said...

I bet she could really move if you got her a slip-n-slid.

tulip1810 said...

Oh....she is so cute! At least look at the other side of the bubble! She could be a teenager you are having trouble keeping track of. Now she can't go that far now Thank God! Any way she is a cutie, but as a Mother I do understand the going nuts and gaga thing. Good Luck, God Bless Mo.

tulip1810 said...

I think she is so cute! At least she is crawling and not a teenager chasing boys. You can at least find her at all times. I am a mother of grown children, even though you don't think your going to make it with all your marbles, the time does go by all to fast. It's a wonderful world you know.
Good Luck and God Bless. Tulip1810