Thursday, June 25, 2009

Weekend in BD

Here we are first arriving at Grandpa & Grandma Roedl's. "Grandpa digs me"...luckily Jake had 2 of these!
Jake, would you just hold still "noooo".
Cindy & Hannah came over for a visit. Hannah was very jealous mom met the girls and she hadn't yet! Problem solved!

Jake and I went out in the back 40. He played in the dirt, go figure! Then we went and threw rocks and dirt in the "pond".6/19/09
Some of these are taken with my phone, like this one!
Sock it to ya!
Jessie with Great Aunt Lorainne!
Here are 4 of the 5 of the Fourth Generation of Heine goers!
So let's try something fun! The Ducks from the Dells were in town for a fundraiser for the YMCA. Jake was whimpering before we even got on the dang thing. Luckily the Ducks are super noisy so no on heard him.
Once we got going and into the water he was pretty cool with it. So cool, if you see here, he was mighty comfy!
So comfy, he went to sleep.
Jess getting a bath in Grandma's sink.
We went to visit cousin Ricky! He's holding Anita, and he is one of the godparents for her!
Jake just played trains. Derailments and all!
And one cool dude on a ride in Grandpa's Mustang! He enjoyed that!
And sunday up at Grandpa and Grandma Sutton's for a visit.
We saw a lot of people and hopefully hit everyone we needed! But don't worry, we'll be back!

This is last night, 6/24/09 after bathtime. Cousins Joe & Lisa (Who just welcomed baby Wyatt into the world on Tuesday night! Yay!) got the girls some spunky onsies! These are taken with my phone again (oh yes, someone, ahem, Jake, broke my newer camera...I've been using my old one, but sometimes it acts up and reminds me why I needed a new one (which was Grandpa's old one). So now I need a new one again!)

Miss Jess was first for the bath. They are getting better, neither one really cry anymore.

And Miss Nita. This girl is going to have so many nicknames.

And we were kind-of pissy afterwards! Had to capture Nita doing her brother's trademark lip.
And Jess just bellars.
Awwww MOM, Stop! Okay.

1 comment:

Tokyo Biker Mommy said...

OK, that's it! 1/5th of the newest generation of Heine-goers hasn't even been to Heine's so we've got to get a trip planned!

I love the picture of Nita pulling attitude, why is it so funny when babies pout?
