Holy cow, did I actually get a video to post? See bottom.
This one's taken with the phone, but he was so cute!
Labor day or around there, we got this screaming new ride for my birthday! Thanks Tia Julia and everyone else in Cali!
Hawthorn Hallow
I's dirty. Whoohooo!

Daddy put in a new wall all in one day!

The old garbage

Porter is pooped from all his hard work!

More dirt, I need more dirt!!!

The Chopp's came over one day...Tyler and Molly swinging like pros!

I ate dirt...it was great. Now i must mow the lawn!

My other sweet ride, the wagon! Unless that is a neck rest on the back piece, I believe it is supposed to go on the front for the handle bar to rest on or something.

My paw

My snack bar!

Holy Hill They're doing a little construction.

Me and my cuz Taylor at the stations of the cross.

I'm a good helper. These are all whites, for now!!!

Check out my new sweetest ride! Just kidding.

I couldn't find the horn, so I didn't want it. Hrumph.

And whoola, mama finally cut my bangs. I was sleeping, didn't even know it happened.

And a video! Speed walking and tripping and mom catching me before I got into any land minds, whew!
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