I'm at work writing this, so no pictures yet...some day soon!
Yesterday we got a TON of snow, and this is how my day went:
5:15am-Woke up with Jake for the morning bottle. Watched the news intently as the morning went on. Waited for daycare to call. They didn't call.
6:30am-called work and said daycare was closed (snicker!) Greg wasn't feeling good (some crazy cold he's got) so he gave me FULL REIGN to go to Home Depot and pick out the tile for the kitchen and main bathroom. Had some breakfast.
7:30am got Jake ready and took him to daycare
8:00am was heading towards Racine to Home Depot. At this point the roads weren't too bad. The wind was blowing tho and drifts were starting. There wasn't much snow on the ground, yet.
9:30am headed back to Kenosha with a full load of tile (15 boxes of 12x12 for the kitchen, 6 boxes of 8x8 for the bathroom), 8 bags of the cement stuff, 3 bags of grout, 2 metal rod things for doing the stairs, a 5 gallon bucket of joint compound, the top half of a toilet (left in there from Menards the other night), a few odds and ends and i think that's it.
10:07am got a call from Greg he was off to work and the roads sucked.
10:20ish, finally made it to the house with my loaded down car and laughed at all the snow on the ground. Started shoveling.
10:25am started swearing.
11am, gave up shoveling, got the sidewalk done from the road to the front door and one pass of a path from that sidewalk to the driveway. I had my path done, what more did I need! Started hauling crap in...got everything in except the 15 boxes of kitchen tile. Yes, I am sore.
A little before noon, started working on my project. Have to smooth out the master bedroom walls after striping wall paper which pulled paint off with it. Darn plaster walls! So I started that with the hardest wall and got 2.5 walls done.
2:30, watched and laugh as the mailman was stuck in the snow. Decided (Mom decided for me) to finish up and head out.
3:20 got a call from Greg, daycare is trying to get ahold of me, they're closing at 3. (I told the girls in the morning my new number was on the feeding sheet, they failed to tell the boss, who called my old number, work and Greg.) Luckily I was just finishing up cleaning off my tools and was ready to go. Got out to the car, got stuck. Had to walk down half a block to meet some neighbors who reluctently came and helped me. The snow was so heavy & thick, it piled up under the front end and whoola, spinning tires.
4:00 made it to daycare. Jake was the last one there, but someone else just picked up their kid, so not too bad!
So I get home a few minutes later (not far from daycare to apartment) and have to sit and wait for awhile for the dudes to clean out part of the parking lot. Of course they don't take care of the 4 foot drift in front of the garage door, so it's outside for the night. I also had to trudge threw drifts and crap with Jake to get to the door...which was OPEN when I got there. Just a crack, enough to let some snow in and make it a bitch to get the door closed. The door didn't get locked, so the wind must've popped it open.
So of course it's 62 degrees in the apartment. The lowest it's been has been 68, so we've never turned the heat on yet. I try, can't figure it out, call Jenny upstairs (who is the manager of the complex) for help. She comes and shows me the error of my ways. And soon enough, it's 72 degrees. It doesn't take much to warm up 750 square feet!
I think that about covers my exciting day! The whole thing started with a 1 hour and 20 minute drive home on tuesday night from work. Today, it took me a hour to get to work. Normally about 30 minutes.
Greg went over this morning to shovel, and he only got the driveway done enough for the garbage guys to come and get the dumpster from gutting the kitchen. But never fear! Super Jenny found a snow blower for us to use, yahoo!
Busy weekend ahead of us. Tiling, sanding floors, painting...whatever needs to be done and can get done will! Whooo! I have lots of pictures, I'll try and get them on soon!
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