Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I like bananas, but normally in my face and not in my hair!

Ma was taking out the garbage, I was falling all around the yard and somehow missed Porter's piles even! Then I hung out on my slide for awhile...
Thanksgiving! The only photo I took. Ryan checking out the goods in the fridge. Brett making some gravy (or what I like to call doing what he does best) and Diann his faithful assistant!
It just started snowing about a hour ago here while the rest of the state has been pounded all day. It is starting to stick to the grass!

Oh wait. Here's a couple more. Monday night I went to the ghetto dentist. It was in Racine and I was a little scared. I was able to take a shot of the chair and part of the scenery in the handy mirror right in front of me. Ghetto. But I think my teeth are clean...maybe.
And here we are the other day at Woodman's. Jake fell asleep on the way there, so he just laid in the cart and we surrounded him with food, which is probably what he dreams about anyway!
And our latest trickery...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Here I am getting my hair fixed by Ann! Whew. She rocked. I even got TWO suckers! I was a mess, but I behaved.
I want more suckers!!!!At The Wilderness this past weekend. I had a very important call to make. Many important calls to make. I was a busy dude.Back at Gramma and Grampa's. They told me and mom to leave on Sunday, but mom was too lazy. So we woke up Monday morning, and WHOAH, SNOW!!!!It's so cool!!!
Gramma is watching out the window. Get 'yer butt out here Gramma!!!I fell down a lot and didn't have boots, but I didn't mind one bit!
Before Mom and I left, we went to Crystal Creek Dairy House/Cheese House for some lunch. I have found my new love, Chocolate shakes. Oggghhhhh...mmmm....and I love the sound of the blender!
That's about all lately. Heading to BD today after Greg is done with work and I am prepared to eat like a queen all weekend. I can't wait.

If anyone needs a Christmas idea for Jake, the original Big Wheel is on sale at Target this weekend!

Okay, Jake is napping, I think I'll try to catch a nap too! I am packed, Jake is not totally packed, Porter is packed. Nigh-night.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So alright, Greg "tried" to cut Jake's hair. He did not follow instructions, but it was going okay...until...buzzz...oops.

The before shot...notice here there already is something suspicious looking going on with the bangs. Yeah...Daddy tried to cut those too a couple weeks ago.

The during shot...Wasn't too happy about the whole thing...he KNEW something was wrong!

Yelling at Daddy... "YOU'RE FIRED!!!" The remnants.
Back to being happy since I can run around in my diaper and shut the door and flush the toilet and play with the heater and...

So I was going to let it grow for a few days and take him to a pro to get this straightened out. Hopefully you won't even notice the fashion mishap.

We got a new boiler this past week. Not by choice, by another misadventure. We had someone come in to do a "check up" and well, it failed. But, hopefully all the money we save with mr. efficiency as opposed to mr. dinosaur will be great!

Here's the old hunk 'o junk (see all the brown rusty looking spots? That's where the carbon was leaking out.)

And the new and improved beauty.

Ew, you know what's gross? Cold Hot cocoa. Blach!

Well, that's it for now, the monster has awoke! Oh yeah, why am I home? I'm "temporarily" laid off until January. Guess I will have time to make cookies and fudge. Whew! :)

Later gang!

Friday, November 14, 2008


For some reason you have crazy dreams when you're pregnant. Hormones? Humans living inside you? I dunno the technical reason, but I hear it all the time. I had another one last night and thought I better start keeping track of them. And anyone else's I may hear along the way.

"I and someone else (I can't remember who it was, it may have been Cindy, except a black Cindy maybe) went to a plastic surgery place to get consultations on boob jobs. So I'm sitting in the little room in the little gown and the doc walks in and she's like oh yeah, I see, without even looking at 'em. And then all of the sudden 5 other people walk in and start getting down to business and I'm like, but I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant! and all of the sudden they're putting me under with a gas mask and I'm mumbling the babies, the babies...and I actually am awake the whole time they're "lifting and tightening", but my eyes are closed. and whoola, like 5 minutes later I walk out all bandaged up and with new boobs. As well as black Cindy! we were freaked out and saying, but we just wanted a consult! and walked out with our new boobs."

And from Lisa we have:
"last night we went to visit the girl that I stole Joe from (who?) and she had his baby and wanted him to give it up and the baby's name is Ronnie Ron and he already had buck teeth and was as small as a lizard and we were ready to leave and we couldn't find the baby cuz he is so small and Megan was helping!"

Ahhh, such fun times!

They started replacing our boiler yesterday! The old dinosaur is gone and in it's place is a midget. We have been living with 4 space heaters (the nice kind and nicely supplied by the heating guys) that Jake loves to turn on and off. They light up ya know! Luckily it's been a little warm out for the time of year and hasn't been too terrible. Last weekend got a little rough on sunday after a couple days of high 30's. Yeah, I know, we have a fireplace...but did we get it inspected and cleaned and tuck pointed at all? Noooo. If only we planned ahead better. Ha!

I'll get some more pictures posted this weekend after the computer room is warmed up!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Couple Video's

Baby Zombie Eats Cookie

Grandma's cookies are so yummy, we eat them while we sleep! Sorry it's a little long, but it goes's only a minute and a half of your life sheesh!

Greg is the one driving. Eyes on the road buster!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Formal Introduction

Jake is pleased to present his new siblings...Baby A and Baby B! (click on photo to make it larger!)

Double Trouble

Well my friends and family...I think you've all heard but I will confirm it now!

Jake is going to be a big brother...twice! Yes'sir, we're expecting twins this May. So those of you who loved watching my belly grow last time will have another lovely show! It will be interesting to see how much bigger it gets!

I went for my first appointment on monday and had a little ultrasound. Luckily Greg was not there, 'cause he may have fainted, I almost did. Here is the conversation:

Doc to nurse: Connie can you go around the other side? Nurse Connie moves around, he flips the screen around...
Doc: see here, see it there?
Me: Ummm...ohhh, yeah...awww, you can see everything (arms, legs, head)
Doc: Now see here? as he flips the doo-hickey
Me: Huh...wait, what? Are you shi**ing me?!?!?!?! Oh sorry. as I start crying...
Me some more: oh my god there's two of them? Greg has to get another job. No wonder why I've been so hungry. Call me Angelina Jolie! (to which the nurse replied, oh that twit, she's all stick thin again.)
Then the doc went on to talk about multiples and risks and everyone turns out okay. Also that I'm pretty high risk with multiples (I can't get over the word multiples) and my heart shaped uterus. Plus with my placenta previa last time, who knows with that, it's so random they can't really say if it'll show up again or a percentage of recurrence. So anywho, he said I will be pretty sick of them (good thing I love everyone there! My Doc. My hospital.) and I'll have oodles of ultrasounds and also at 18 weeks he'll send me to Froedert Hospital for a special one (forgot the docs name.) Then went on with the normal do's and don'ts and extras for having multiples. I can keep exercising (teehee!) but if I was going to a gym at 26 weeks he'd tell me to knock it off. Luckily I will not have that problem. I was pretty zoned out during this so I may have glossed over a few things!

So I am officially 10 weeks and 3 days. Both babies measured right on schedule. Due date is May 26th, but due to the repeat c-section it will be scheduled one-week prior...but with multiples, may be earlier than that. We will all just have to wait and see!

I have the ultrasound pics, need to scan it better then the p.o.s. thing we have at work. Boy was I spoiled at Savannah Blue! :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Punkin' Patch

We went to a better pumpkin farm on sunday. No crazy Apple Holler like last year, that place is too much. This place was pretty busy too, but you could actually move around in an orderly fashion.

And then we got to check out the new Target and Dick's where Jake became an official cheese head! Ya der!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How many times?

Does it take to have your drivers license taken away FOREVER?

Man gets prison for seventh OWI

Jeffrey S. Vujnovich, 53, 233 Cherokee Road No. 8, Beaver Dam, was sentenced to 36 months in prison and 50 months of extended supervision for his seventh conviction of operating while impaired.

Vujnovich's driver's license has been revoked for 36 months, and he must use an ignition interlock for 36 months. He must also undergo an alcohol assessment.

According to reports, he was pulled over on Dodge Drive, at the intersection of North Spring Street, on Aug. 23. Vujnovich registered a .146 percent preliminary blood-alcohol content. He told the officer that he thought the legal limit for Wisconsin drivers was .8 percent, however, the legal limit is .08 percent.

So is his license revoked while he's in prison so when he gets out of prison he can drive again? Same thought on the ignition lock... Apparently jail, license revocation and the alcohol assessment from the 6 prior convictions isn't helping this guy, can we think of something else to do with this idiot before he kills someone? But it's okay, he got the chemistry right to be at .08 so it was legal.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank my darling son for this excess of snot. I don't know what I would do without it! Hopefully I can share this bliss with others! You are welcome! :*)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dirt and Fun

Holy cow, did I actually get a video to post? See bottom.

This one's taken with the phone, but he was so cute!

Labor day or around there, we got this screaming new ride for my birthday! Thanks Tia Julia and everyone else in Cali!

Hawthorn Hallow
I's dirty. Whoohooo!
Daddy put in a new wall all in one day!
The old garbage
Porter is pooped from all his hard work!
More dirt, I need more dirt!!!
The Chopp's came over one day...Tyler and Molly swinging like pros!
I ate was great. Now i must mow the lawn!
My other sweet ride, the wagon! Unless that is a neck rest on the back piece, I believe it is supposed to go on the front for the handle bar to rest on or something.
My paw
My snack bar!
At Holy Hill They're doing a little construction.
Me and my cuz Taylor at the stations of the cross.
I'm a good helper. These are all whites, for now!!!
Check out my new sweetest ride! Just kidding.
I couldn't find the horn, so I didn't want it. Hrumph.
And whoola, mama finally cut my bangs. I was sleeping, didn't even know it happened.
And a video! Speed walking and tripping and mom catching me before I got into any land minds, whew!

Monday, September 22, 2008


jake is still in the contest!!! Please vote...for some reason he is tied against the girl right now.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Click on this link and give it a whirl! (it's not this picture, this is just one to display his cuteness!) 1&rMatchType=Quarter-final

In case it doesn't work, he's in Group 10 of Lindenhurst and he's #R080.

Go cutie pie!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Nap time

It's nap time here. Hopefully he can stay out for long enough to update the world on our doings!!! No better update than pictures.

Here we see the wild hooligans caught in a rare moment of nap. Ahhh... (8/8/08)
This is more like it (8/9/08)
I see you! (8/9/08)
Yes, yes, hard to believe, but even Twizzlers doesn't make all mouths happy. We were in a delicate time here...I believe this was at the point of one LARGE tooth bump on top. We made it through that and are now fighting 5 teeth (including the aforementioned teaser) coming thru on top. (8/10/08)
But nothing makes me more happy than a fly swatter! Um, I can't find that thing now. (8/10/08)
Here we are at our fabulous birthday weekend/fair weekend. I guess it's true what they say about rabbits! (8/15/08)
Checking out some roosters and chickens. While standing there, the one next door laid an egg! (8/15/08)
My birthday cake! I'm such a pig, but I LOOOVVVVEEE it! (8/16/08)
Grandpa made me this stool. I love it too...but here I am showing you I'm SOOOO big! (8/17/08)

I really don't like eating pieces of things, just gimme the whole chunk! I am one now after all. (8/22/08)
We took a little family trip over to Lake Geneva and saw some turtles! (8/24/08)
Greg found a toy in the coolest toy store.
Jake even has his own store!
And is hard to get candy away from. Hmmm, sounds like someone I know.

Mom and Dad went to Door County over labor day weekend and came home to another present! I tried to help dad, but couldn't get that peddle to work with the seat. (9/1/08)

Tada! I do good work! Thank you Aunt Sara, Uncle Charles and Saul! p.s. I also have a plethora of socks to last me awhile! Thanks Saul!

Mom and I went to Hawthorn Hallow to an art fair and walked around the cool grounds too. (9/6/08)

Oop, back in door county! Here we are up on top of the look out in Peninsula State Park. (8/31/08)
Just a cool sunset. (8/30/08)

That's all I got for now. Greg had a busy weekend replacing the retaining wall by the driveway...I got a few pics, but there in the camera yet. Friend Angie and her midgets are coming over soon, so I better go!