"My friend asked me if I was glad Christmas was done and if I had everything
cleaned up and put away. Here is my response: I am sure somewhere through
this you get a chuckle.
Do you realize how much work it is to take everything out of boxes for three
kids? Do you know how much work it is to clean up and put away and keep up
with 3 kids?
There are all those twist ties holding Barbie legs into the box, like they
are going to get out of the box on their own. There are six screws holding
in a 5-inch helicopter into the box and plastic things that are tied in
double knots around the wheels of a remote control truck to try and untie
and cut off and did you know you have to charge it for at LEAST 10 hours
before use? Devastating and shear disaster for a 5 year old!
In order to get a battery out of the box you have to rip all the foam out of
the box or when you walk out of the room to throw something away the kids
think it's fun to rip it all apart and leaving it for me to pick up. THEN I
have to clean up all the little teeny tiny pieces of foam while chasing
after Buddie to get the little foam pieces out of his mouth and then we have
a pile of empty boxes stacked up by the back door and then falling down
again because the kids try to get to the garbage can and their leg hits the
mound of boxes so they all fall over. But don't think they'll pick the
boxes up, they'll yell upstairs to me "The boxes fell that were by the
garbage can!!" Those empty boxes will sit there until next week b/c our
garbage bin is already full of boxes and so is Mark our neighbor man's bin
(because of us).
Then I really love stepping on those little plastic pieces that the price
tags are connected to clothes with, that the kids ripped off their clothes
because they HAVE to try everything on and then they get stuck in the
carpet, which then are stuck in my sock and then as I'm bent over picking
the piece out of my socks I'm being shot at in the butt with foam darts, so
as I stand up to see who is shooting me, I see Buddie run in the opposite
direction with Barbie hair in his mouth and the legs are trailing underneath
him, so as I turn to chase him I fall over Maddie (whom was already going
after him) and then step on a %#^%#% Polly Pocket piece that was laying on
our bedroom floor! So as I am laying on the floor in severe pain with a
Polly Pocket SHOE stuck in my foot, Buddie is laying beside me chewing on
the Barbie's hair and Maddie's crying because as I fell over her...I slapped
her in the face! So then, I look over my shoulder and I get shot in the
middle of my forehead WITH ANOTHER FOAM DART!
During all of this, Chris was completely oblivious because he was on his
computer (in the same room) and didn't hear or see a thing!
Happy Holiday's!!! And don't for a second ever think there is a dull
moment in our home, especially the day after Christmas."
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28 minutes ago
1 comment:
Great story, thank your friend for sharing!
It reminds me of the blog
Because I Said So.
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