Wednesday, September 26, 2007

5th Week Giggle Pants

My Big Brother thinks he needs a nuk now too. Silly doggie!
(click on a picture to see it bigger!)

We went to Apple Holler on the 23rd...what a freaking zoo! It wasn't very exciting, but they have delicious caramel apples! We walked into the restaurant, mistake! Overheard it was over a hour wait, walked out. Wandered around like we didn't know what to do, had a soy burger (yuck) and headed home! In the distance is the Golden Goat Bridge, that was funny. There's a pully system with a can on it to raise up some grub for the goats...I'm surprised they don't eat the can!
Too much action for one little guy.
Yay! Cousins Lisa, Megan and Joe came to visit! Must see the feetsie's!
Jake and his oldest cousin Joe.
Here he is, Mr. Giggle Pants! We decided monday was a good day to start smiling uncontrollably! Maybe it was the piggy suits him tho!

Now, look at the name of this bar real fast. I know I probably won't ever visit inside! It's in downtown Kenosha. It makes me giggle every time I see it.
That's about all we've been up to! Watching football, changing diapers...the excitement never ends!

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