I don't know who's decision it was, his or the doctors, but it was time to come into the world! Here's a recap of the weekend, because I think it all ties in together. :) One of these things did something to speed things up.
Thursday August 16th...if you recall I was ready to get some things done. I did go out and go thru the stuff in the garage. I can't remember if I did things in the house. I think I did put his stuff in his diaper bag, but that was about it. I also got things together for our trip to BD. So some say I may have really been nesting, supposedly something soon-to-be-new-mommies do.
Friday August 17th...we headed down to Beaver Dam. I did a few things at the house, Greg did a bunch of stuff and I went and sat around at my parents doing nothing. Then eventually Greg came with a couple loads of stuff and we went and finished removing garbage and what not out. We had a delicious lunch at the bowling alley made by Binkey, yummmers. Then we went off to the realtor's office to close on the house! YAHOO! Needless to say, the lady representing the buyers mortgage company (I won't say who their loan is from, but I hope things work out for them) was a complete ding dong. She didn't know who got the earnest money, we were running a hour late...it was horrible. After that, Greg took the car for an oil change and I went to sit around some more.
Friday night, big night at the fair! We picked up Tony & Tricia (Taylor went to her cousins house to watch High School Musical 2) and headed out for some fun. We were able to see lots of people (that we wanted to see) and catch up on things and had a great time. Tony, Tricia and I headed in to watch Alice Cooper and were about 10 feet from the stage. It was AWESOME! It was way better than Poison, it was almost better then Summerfest, but I won't go that far. For the money (oh yeah, we got in free thanks to family) it was hands down the best. It was a SHOW, not just Alice singing some songs, talking about some new show of his or doing a bunch of covers...it was HIS Show, HIS Theatrics, HIS Daughter? Yes, Calico even had a bit. Awesome. And I was very excited I knew a lot of the songs. I think when I was little and my brother lived at home yet, I must've learned all this 70's & 80's rock subliminally through him. After the show we regrouped and headed for the Legion Beer Tent. There was a lot of people there, there was a lot of people everywhere. Eventually the fair closed down at midnight and we went home. Well, except for Greg and Randy.
Saturday August 18th...what did we do all day...huh...Oh yeah, we didn't get moving until 11 and then went to lunch with Randy while Shelley was at a shower. We dropped Randy off at Kohl's so he could get some warmer clothes and we went home and...sat around some more I think! Eventually Mike & Christine came and the 6 (Randy & Shelley too) of us headed over to Kekoskee to Diann's house. We watched the first half of the Packer game, I mean massacre and then headed back to BD. Oh yes, it was raining ALLLLL day too. We tried to go to the fair, go there about 9:00 and it was closed down! They cancelled the show, all the food stands were locked up, but the Legion tent was open! Needless to say we headed to town and went to Morry's. I had a Grape soda. Got to see more people, whom I have all lied to..."how much longer do you have to go?" "A couple weeks!" Oops. Sorry about that everyone! After that fiasco we headed back to my parents house, but not without a stop at Taco Bell. Oh dear. So then we had Taco Bell and cookies while laughing our bums off. I was laughing so hard I was crying. And then we all slept.
Sunday August 19th...we all woke up to cinnamon rolls...I was up early as usual, sleeping just wasn't my thing I guess. Mike & Christine left to go see his dad (who wasn't home) and we got ready and headed off to Madison. We went to the West Sieedde, stopping at the mall and finding the new Super Target. Super sure...it's not that wonderful. The only difference between that and a Greatland is more groceries. We got some staples for going to the movies and of course some baby staples! Diapers, Diaper Genie Bags and a onesie. I think that's it. So then off to the movie we went. We went and saw Super Bad which was Super Hilarious! I highly recommend it for your viewing pleasure. After the movie we went to Mike & Christine's and then head to the new Buffalo Wild Wings on Monona, in Monona, whatever, in Madison. We had an excellent time and then headed back to Beaver Dam. Now is where the fun begins.
We got home between 8 and 9 and were just sitting around watching tv. Greg was pretty much sacked out in the recliner and I was reclined on the couch and my parents were sitting around too. I had just thought about getting up and going to the bathroom when I coughed. Oh my gosh, I pee'd my pants. So off to the bathroom I trotted. Except, it wasn't pee...it was blood. And if everyone has done their research, blood isn't good with my condition. So I go get Greg and show him and get everyone freaked out. I ended up calling the doctors office and the doctor on call (not my regular doctor) called me back. He said if it stops in the next hour it's okay, but if not, we need to come in. So then the decision of do we go back to Kenosha? Do we make it back to Kenosha? I finally decide to get back to Kenosha. So off we went in the pouring rain. I gave Angie a call and asked her about Braxton Hicks. Thor was very active during this drive home too...so I thought the "pains" I was having was just him moving around in conjuncture with the Hicks.
We made it home around 12:45 after a long, rainy drive. (We had left Porter and the Durango at my parents.) I had a little blood, but nothing much...so Greg tried to relax for a bit and fell asleep and I got some sleep too. About 3:45 I woke up and went to the bathroom and I actually got to wake Greg up and say "I think we need to go in". I was very excited about that part...I was a little bummed with the whole scheduled c-section issue that we wouldn't get to experience any of that fun stuff. So off we went to the hospital! Luckily I had packed a few things for Thor and had some idea of what I wanted and all of our toiletry stuff was packed up from being in BD all weekend, so that was kind-of convenient!
We parked the car and walked into the ER. We were greeted by a security fella and said we're checking in. I gave the "receptionist" my name and issue and a nurse brought out a wheelchair and off we went to the 4th floor...The Birthing Inn. There we were greeted by about 3 nurses and taken to a room. I got on the gown and the nurse strapped on the monitors. Come to find out I was actually having contractions! They were 2-4 minutes apart. Huh, how 'bout that!?! So over the phone the doctor (the one still on call) said to hook up an IV and try to slow them down, which they did slow down. So I laid there in and out of sleep from 4am until 8am. They teased me with thoughts of a possibly breakfast after the doctor came in. Dr. Atcha was coming in at 8 and would check up on me then.
Monday August 20th...8:15a.m. Dr. Atcha came in, did an ultrasound and found that there was blood flow in the placenta. He said there is no mad dash, but I wasn't going home and we would be having the baby today. So I said, is there time to make a few phone calls? And the nurse said yes. So just as Greg walked off, I got 2 phone calls in, and he got out to the car to grab his phone and the bags, about 5 nurses came flooding in the room. Someone drew blood, the anesthesiologist, surgery room nurse, and 2 others were in there I think. It was kind of a blur. The "no mad dash" turned into "holy crap, where's Greg?!?!" They paged him and I finally got ahold of him. By the time he got back in the room I was already wheeled down to the operating room and numb from the chest down. He got back to the room and the nurse was waiting for him, grabbed the bags and threw the scrubs at him.
So I was in the O.R. at about 9 I'd say, they got me prepped, brought in Greg and Thor came out wailing to the world at 9:21 a.m. From incision to screaming lasted about 5 minutes. It was amazing. Except for the whole part that my body was thrown around like a rag doll...it was pretty interesting. There was a curtain, so Greg and I couldn't see anything. Thank goodness!
The nurse took Thor and cleaned him up a little bit, they showed him to me for about 20 seconds and then she took Greg and off they went to do the measuring and figuring while they did whatever they did to me. I have staples, which are coming out on Monday. It's rather bizarre. By 9:45 I'd say at the latest I was wheeled down to our room where I stayed the next 4 days. He got raving scores on his apgar tests, nice and pink!
Jacob Ron Sutton
August 20, 2007 @ 9:21 a.m.
7lbs 1oz, 19.5"
I was told I looked like a character from the Simpson's with my yellow tone of skin...I must agree, I do!
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