I lived this story on saturday the 2nd and re-told it to Angie to cheer her up today. It's too funny I think not to share with the world.
So I'm driving to Kenosha and stop at that gas station in Allenton and get a tootsie roll and oooh, chewy sprees! I woof down the tootsie roll (what is that anyways besides delicious goodness?) and then I'm snacking on the sprees. I'm about 2/3 done with the little bag and all of the sudden I start minorly choking on some chewy spree juice or something...you know how they have a little pucker to them? I'm like okay, take a drink of water, felt okay for a second and then start coughing again and WHAM...it comes back UP! So I have a mouthful of puke flavored chewy spree water and am going 73 mph down Hwy 45 or 894 or wherever I am at the moment...luckily there wasn't too much traffic around me...I'm looking around, what to do, what to do!!! I'm in the middle lane, there's too many cars in the right lane to veer over and stop...so I go over into the left lane, roll down the window and spit it out!!! Needless to say some landed on the door frame there...and some had snuck out onto the steering wheel and seat before i caught my mouth. Nothing too major. Luckily I found a Dairy Queen napkin to wipe up all that. Eegads!
I finished the chewy sprees today without incident. :)
65% off Select Bags & Camping Gear at Mountain Hardwear
28 minutes ago
1 comment:
dairy queen napkins!!!
A pal of mine painted his hot rod truck a buh-zillion years back. I asked him what prep work he did.
I was expecting to hear "well, I wet sanded it with xxx grit, then I Zprimed it,..."
he said "I wiped it down with a handfull of Dairy Queen Napkins and shot it in the back yard"
YAY Dairy Queen Napkins
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