...if you like looking at ever expanding belly shots.
Holy crap, it's getting bigger.
Um, pay no attention to the expanding bum either. Oops! They're just balancing each other out! :)
Doc appt on the 24th down in Kenosha. Don't know when the ultrasound will be, hopefully that same day.
Otherwise not much else. Worked at Dos tonight, heard all about the snow allll night, annoying. Have 3 showings this week on the house, yay! And now I need a snack! Nighty night!
Oh no, wait!!! I won something today, season 3 of Entourage!!! I won it off my gossip blog I read religiously. She means me in the first paragraph of Tuesday, April 10th! I love that show and got Greg addicted also when I rented the previous seasons off netflix. Oh joy, oh rapture!
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