Sorry about the delay...there's been a few things going on that I didn't want to spill the beans on!
Anyways, the cats out of the bag...Greg's in Wisconsin this weekend (freezing his tail off I'm sure!) and there's lots to report. Which first, good news, or good news?

Yup, we did that!!!! There's a little human being in there...with a heart beat and movement! (if you click on the picture it will open up to a larger version) We're due September 4th, (I'll be 10 weeks on the 6th). I feel morning sickness or anything of the sort. I do get hungry ALL THE TIME and if I get too hungry I get a little queasy, but I've been like that all of my just happens more often now on a regular basis. On the 16th I get to have another ultrasound for something the Tech is doing for a it's free and we'll get to see more! Yay! Can't pass up that opportunity.
2) this and this
Get it? Well, Greg, as of friday, got a new job! We're coming home!!! In 3 weeks!!!
So far, Greg is going to be a supervisor at Uline in Waukegan, Illinois with excellent insurance and a nice little raise. Although not too thrilled about the Illinois part, it's only 2 hours from Beaver Dam...5 minutes from Great America...45 minutes to Chicago...25 minutes across the border. I will most likely be staying in BD until the house sells. And then, hopefully we'll have figured out where we will establish home base. So now we'll be packing like crazy, putting in our 2 weeks notice and heading back the week of the 19th. Not sure exactly when, but Greg starts Feb. 26th.
So has everyone recovered from the news? Good. That's all I've got for now. I'll probably be scarce for the next couple weeks being busy with the packing. I'll post the new ultrasound pics when I can!
See most of ya'll in 3 weeks!!!
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