They made it! It was quit the battle but they did it. B&D arrived about 6:30 last night, ahead of schedule after a wet, dry, we, dry, hot ride.
So last night we ate at The Pirates House, which is under new ownership. Everyone's else had great meals, but mine was kind-of blah. So now I know not to get that again. Then we went and walked down River Street to show them the river and that and then went over to City Market. We went to Wild Wings first because I had to use a decent bathroom before going into Sav. Blues where the bathroom is not so decent. And after that we went to Mercury Lounge to hear Bottles & Cans. It was a fun night.
Yay, our first visitors! (that didn't move us of course.)
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Let's see...not much going on lately other than the heat. I walked outside with Porter tonight and had to stop to catch my breath. The air is THICK with humidty and my hair instantly went "boing"! (That's curls forming.) Last night I stood out back and waited for Porter to do his business and broke a sweat doing that meager task. I know the whole country is at above-normal heat, so I'm sure everyone's doing the same thing...the only difference, your heat will probably break, ours lasts for another month. :) Teehee!
We do have visitors coming! I'm so excited! Greg's brother Brett and his lady Diann are arriving sometime on Saturday. They are driving down from WI on their Harley's. An exciting trip for them! Hopefully Illinois doesn't bore them to tears that they can't see where they are going! Eeek! And I hope everyone knows ya'll have a open invitation for visits! We just don't recommend the month of August or July unless you love heat. It's normally tolerable until about 1pm, then the city opens up and swallows you whole. Ha!
Some things I've seen...
We do have visitors coming! I'm so excited! Greg's brother Brett and his lady Diann are arriving sometime on Saturday. They are driving down from WI on their Harley's. An exciting trip for them! Hopefully Illinois doesn't bore them to tears that they can't see where they are going! Eeek! And I hope everyone knows ya'll have a open invitation for visits! We just don't recommend the month of August or July unless you love heat. It's normally tolerable until about 1pm, then the city opens up and swallows you whole. Ha!
Some things I've seen...
- 2 separate incidents at Krogers of people up-chucking...yes, right out front of the store.
- just this morning, squirrels mating up in a tree! I had to advert Porter's eyes so I didn't see much.
- our neighbors dog defend it's territory by some crazy guy yelling then throwing his bag of food at her...then said dog bolting like mad only to be found a day or two later.
- Greg eating a bag of Cheeto's in 2 sittings.
- the BIGGEST arachnid I have ever seen in my life. Holy BLEEP! The body was the size of half a hot dog, I swear!
I think that's about it in recent history.
I was able to show off my mad skills in Excel today at work! I wowed the socks off the customer and a co-worker. Teehee! Remember in Harry Potter when Dumbledore would take the swirls out of his noggin and put them in the pensieve? That is exactly what my brain does everytime I make a copy...whoop, whooop, whoooo, toodle-loo! And today, I made A LOT of copies. :)
Monday, July 24, 2006
If you'd like to see Babykins, click on Charles' blog on the left!
He's officially Saul R Statman, a mix of both sides of the fam.
That's it!
He's officially Saul R Statman, a mix of both sides of the fam.
That's it!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
They Did It!
I don't know all the details (or even the correct spelling of his name) but Baby Statman is here! They left for the hospital at 4pm, the water broke en-route and he was born by 5pm! Such miracles eh? So much for the doc telling her she'd be late...but then again, you tell us gals one thing and being stubborn, we'll do the other.
We tried some new eateries this weekend. Carrabba's last night, which was delicious, but we ate too late and had hurting bellies this morning. But I got the advice from others it's the best steak in town and I must say, it could very well be. Pretty sad that a chain wins that in this town of originals. Now today for lunch we had Chick-fil-a. Just chicken all the time. And the shake was good too! But it's real chicken, not McDonald's processed ground up pressed into fun shapes chicken. Ew. Have you seen Super Size Me? Tonight we went on an adventure to Richmond Hills to try Augie's Pub where the pizza is supposed to be the best. The owner is from Chicago so we felt right at home and they even had one Packer Pennant flag! My review of the pizza...alright, a little blah, not the best I've had actually. Greg thought it was awesome. I think mostly because it's the only thin crust pizza we've seen around here! But I believe it was Grande Cheese on the pizza, so that made up for the blahness somewhat.
Tomorrow we're going to see Clerks II! We'll see if the magic still exists in Kevin Smith.
Oh yes...we accidentally found a house we want. :) We were just nosing around last weekend and decided to look at this place since it's vacant. It needs a lot of sweat equity and some polishing, but it's something we NEVER thought we could get ourselves into. It's not for sure yet, just in the beginning phase of seeing what we can do. But here are a couple pictures, and mind you, it has been vacant for some time and whoever painted it must've been color blind, but it has HUGE potential and is possibly a dream come true. And hopefully I'm not jinxing it by showing ya'll a preview!
Here's a map so you might get a general idea of where it is. Daffin Park is the other huge park in town (there's actually quite a few I guess). Oh, can you see the red star? I think it disappeared, but it's on the corner of 50th & Waters, 2 blocks south of the park.

This is the kitchen...see what I mean by color blind? The cabinets, counter tops and tile back splash seem to be recent additions. Will we keep the checkerboard floor?
And what is the deal with Red Living Rooms? It is our curse I think. There is also a sun porch behind the fireplace that is red too. The floor is brand new, I love the inlaid details, and the fireplace is gas.
Master Suite. It's huge with an attached bathroom. that pole thing is someone's left-over clothes rack. I'm kind-of at a loss for what some of the items are doing in the house since it has been vacant for so long and the current owner never lived there. And shh...there's a neon beer sign in the attic...hopefully a treasure they leave for us. :)
And here is the front. The azalea bushes are a tad overgrown (tad? I mean exTREEEEEmly overgrown, there's more in the back and along the side) and if we do get this house our first purchase after closing will be a hedge trimmer. Start the recommendations now! Oh yeah, and an exterminator. Ew.
Can you picture what it'll be like once it's restored to all it's grandeur? A true southern belle...not quite the beauties dating back 100 years that you find downtown (nor the millions of dollars), but safer 60 years with brick! Haha!
Alright, I think I've caught everyone up! There hasn't been much going on lately...we eat, sleep and work. Greg had an excellent time back home for the weekend...had a good birthday...and now we have a new nephew. :) We can rest easy tonight. Night ya'll.
We tried some new eateries this weekend. Carrabba's last night, which was delicious, but we ate too late and had hurting bellies this morning. But I got the advice from others it's the best steak in town and I must say, it could very well be. Pretty sad that a chain wins that in this town of originals. Now today for lunch we had Chick-fil-a. Just chicken all the time. And the shake was good too! But it's real chicken, not McDonald's processed ground up pressed into fun shapes chicken. Ew. Have you seen Super Size Me? Tonight we went on an adventure to Richmond Hills to try Augie's Pub where the pizza is supposed to be the best. The owner is from Chicago so we felt right at home and they even had one Packer Pennant flag! My review of the pizza...alright, a little blah, not the best I've had actually. Greg thought it was awesome. I think mostly because it's the only thin crust pizza we've seen around here! But I believe it was Grande Cheese on the pizza, so that made up for the blahness somewhat.
Tomorrow we're going to see Clerks II! We'll see if the magic still exists in Kevin Smith.
Oh yes...we accidentally found a house we want. :) We were just nosing around last weekend and decided to look at this place since it's vacant. It needs a lot of sweat equity and some polishing, but it's something we NEVER thought we could get ourselves into. It's not for sure yet, just in the beginning phase of seeing what we can do. But here are a couple pictures, and mind you, it has been vacant for some time and whoever painted it must've been color blind, but it has HUGE potential and is possibly a dream come true. And hopefully I'm not jinxing it by showing ya'll a preview!
Here's a map so you might get a general idea of where it is. Daffin Park is the other huge park in town (there's actually quite a few I guess). Oh, can you see the red star? I think it disappeared, but it's on the corner of 50th & Waters, 2 blocks south of the park.

This is the kitchen...see what I mean by color blind? The cabinets, counter tops and tile back splash seem to be recent additions. Will we keep the checkerboard floor?

Alright, I think I've caught everyone up! There hasn't been much going on lately...we eat, sleep and work. Greg had an excellent time back home for the weekend...had a good birthday...and now we have a new nephew. :) We can rest easy tonight. Night ya'll.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I've been bacheloretted for the weekend! Greg's back up in WI having a fun old time with family and friends. I think they're wearing him out! He said it's hot up there (as opposed to down here?) and he is having a good time. He comes home tomorrow afternoon sometime, which is his birthday! And what have I been up to while the cat's away? Well, where do I begin!
I had a little Pampered Chef open house saturday morning...turn-out, not so good, but got a couple orders so I can't complain. Hopefully some more orders trickle in. Anyways, friday night I just prepared for that and now I have left-overs galore! But they're all delicious and I'll eat it myself!, I'll share! Okay, back to saturday...after my party fizzled out (okay after the one person left) I decided I better go and check out the outlet mall in South Carolina. Hold on, S. Carolina is only a stone's throw away, don't worry. But of course what was supposed to be a 1/2 hour drive turned into a hour drive. Being the dedicated shopper I am, I did not turn around tho when others were! What is wrong with these people? Did everyone just have to get to Hilton Head on saturday? NutS! But I eventually made it and had a glorious time! I did get some real errands done too, so don't worry, I wasn't selfish! Just a smidge tho.
Here is one reason I carry my camera with me...

It is not everyday you see a Transformer sticker on someone's truck at Bed Bath & Beyond! Go Megatron! And I'll be dang-gummited, there's a movie coming out next year. Heee! That cracks me up.
Saturday night I hung out with the neighbors that were here on there way down to Disney. They'll be back next weekend and we'll have a BBQ, yay! And then I spoiled them with the Cookies and Cream Supreme treat that I didn't even take out of the fridge for the open house. MmMmm. Here's something else I made, Cool & Creamy Chocolate Fondue that is of course delicious too. If anyone ever needs snacks or appetizers ideas, ask me! I've got all the ideas and they're so easy.
What else...I've been listening to The Hog 102.9 this weekend and they're broadcasting live from Summerfest 90% of the time. So I know there is currently a sever thunderstorm warning for Dodge County, does Greg? Ha! Ugh, today I drove around aimlessly looking for that man's birthday present. Needless to say I didn't find it, came home and looked on line. It's out of production and cost a pretty penny. I'll let you know what it is after he knows! (It's not a book.)
That's about it! I pick birthday boy up tomorrow afternoon...I'm thinking of begging work to let me be done for the day at that point too. (Whoah...I think they were supposed to bleep the f-word out of this Green Day song, but they didn't do a very good job...oops. Yup, that's my excitement for the day!)
Oh yes, announcement!!! My friend Angie just found out she's having a baby girl in November! Yay! I think they'll name her Kate, but they've been leaning towards Molly. Don't worry, I have some time to work on 'em. :) How Not To Name A Baby. I can tell the banana fanna song and your good to go...
Kate Kate bow-bate
banana nana foe fate
me my mo mate
I had a little Pampered Chef open house saturday morning...turn-out, not so good, but got a couple orders so I can't complain. Hopefully some more orders trickle in. Anyways, friday night I just prepared for that and now I have left-overs galore! But they're all delicious and I'll eat it myself!, I'll share! Okay, back to saturday...after my party fizzled out (okay after the one person left) I decided I better go and check out the outlet mall in South Carolina. Hold on, S. Carolina is only a stone's throw away, don't worry. But of course what was supposed to be a 1/2 hour drive turned into a hour drive. Being the dedicated shopper I am, I did not turn around tho when others were! What is wrong with these people? Did everyone just have to get to Hilton Head on saturday? NutS! But I eventually made it and had a glorious time! I did get some real errands done too, so don't worry, I wasn't selfish! Just a smidge tho.
Here is one reason I carry my camera with me...

It is not everyday you see a Transformer sticker on someone's truck at Bed Bath & Beyond! Go Megatron! And I'll be dang-gummited, there's a movie coming out next year. Heee! That cracks me up.
Saturday night I hung out with the neighbors that were here on there way down to Disney. They'll be back next weekend and we'll have a BBQ, yay! And then I spoiled them with the Cookies and Cream Supreme treat that I didn't even take out of the fridge for the open house. MmMmm. Here's something else I made, Cool & Creamy Chocolate Fondue that is of course delicious too. If anyone ever needs snacks or appetizers ideas, ask me! I've got all the ideas and they're so easy.
What else...I've been listening to The Hog 102.9 this weekend and they're broadcasting live from Summerfest 90% of the time. So I know there is currently a sever thunderstorm warning for Dodge County, does Greg? Ha! Ugh, today I drove around aimlessly looking for that man's birthday present. Needless to say I didn't find it, came home and looked on line. It's out of production and cost a pretty penny. I'll let you know what it is after he knows! (It's not a book.)
That's about it! I pick birthday boy up tomorrow afternoon...I'm thinking of begging work to let me be done for the day at that point too. (Whoah...I think they were supposed to bleep the f-word out of this Green Day song, but they didn't do a very good job...oops. Yup, that's my excitement for the day!)
Oh yes, announcement!!! My friend Angie just found out she's having a baby girl in November! Yay! I think they'll name her Kate, but they've been leaning towards Molly. Don't worry, I have some time to work on 'em. :) How Not To Name A Baby. I can tell the banana fanna song and your good to go...
Kate Kate bow-bate
banana nana foe fate
me my mo mate
Monday, July 03, 2006
Happy Independence!
Let's see...we've actually done something worth reporting so hold on to your seats! It's not that exciting, but here we go!
Friday the 30th...Greg ended up working at Savannah Blues, possibly his last night? We'll see what happens once he comes back from WI. He didn't get home until 6am, so he was pooped out and slept in saturday. That was the end of his official first week back on the went well, and he was able to put in overtime too. So far he is enjoying it! Saturday, ran some errands during the day and Greg didn't work that night so we actually did something! :) First we started at the Caledonia, it's a British based pub that's only been open for a couple months. No food there, but a couple had a dog named Nancy (teehee, some of you might get it!) tied to the pool table. So then we went on to the Crystal Beer Parlor and it's OLD. Greg decided he didn't want to eat there, not sure we had a beverage and then moved on. We decided on trying Fiddler's...something new to add to the experience. We weren't too impressed tho. I had a crab cake samich and it was eh and the fries were blah. So don't worry, we won't take you there. Greg had a Black & Bleu Burger and said his was good...the medium rare was pretty rare in the middle, good for those that like it to moo!
After din-din we walked around River Street for awhile...there was a gajillion people and it was hot. Ugh. We meandered around and then eventually went home.
Let's see, Sunday...did some good couch potato action and then eventually headed out to Moe's for some lunch and then stopped at Publix to pick up food for dinner. I had already picked up corn-on-the cob the other day so we needed a compliment food. We went for all the glory and did our first round of Crab Legs at HOME! Oh heavens-to-betsies, it was deeeeee-licious!!! Greg was a little skeptical of trying it, but I think I talked about it enough the past couple months and was he glad he changed his mind! And they were on sale, extra bonus.

And here's what Porter does while we eat...I can't help it he sows down his food too fast!

After dinner we walked down to River St (we drove saturday night). We stopped at McDonough's for hydration on the way. It's close to where I work. Then continued on our way. Oh yes, our main point of this journey was to get pictures of the big boats...well, it was dark of course and I did what I could! Which wasn't much, no pictures yet...have to go in the daylight.
After walking around and visiting with people and one boxer girl that could've been Porter's baby sister we headed to City Market (the area where Greg works.) We checked out the new Wild Wings, it was cool, but didn't eat, can't spoil the afterglow of crab legs! There was a band outside (I think someone is playing there every sunday) so we hung out and took Greg's picture at his post.

Georgia law: Alcohol Serving establishments can not be open on sunday unless they serve food. Hence the closed doors of Savannah Blues and other establishments on sunday. No Alcohol Sales On Sunday! Cant' even buy stuff at grocery stores or gas stations. But if you're an eaterie, have at it! Man, someone has a lot of time on their hands to get that detail on the populations and technicalities of hours! Effingham County is a DRY County (north west of us I believe).
And then we walked home on the lighted streets of Savannah safe and sound. Monday morning came and we all went to work! Tonight there are fireworks out on Tybee Island, but we're not sure if we want to deal with all the traffic. It's a pain just on the weekend! Plus Greg isn't home yet and it's 6:30 already. So we'll probably wait for tomorrow and go down to River Street for those fireworks. Yay!
That's about it! OH WAIT!
Someone walked into work this morning, asked for Me, I said that's me and she said I was supposed to ask for you...and I said for what? And she said for work. And I said, ooooh, I'm supposed to be training you? and she said yeah. and I said Mr. Manager you know about this? and he said yes and I said, you could'a told me under my breath. So now, I am officially a supervisor in my eyes. Teehee! She's alright, likes to smoke, p.u. We'll see what happens there!
Now that's it. Hope ya'll are having a great holiday weekend!!! Don't burn off your eyebrows!
Kate & Greg
p.s. if you're wondering what to get Greg for his birthday, he made a Amazon wish list too. He's the greg sutton with the Electric Co on his list...not how to build a boat greg sutton. :)
Let's see...we've actually done something worth reporting so hold on to your seats! It's not that exciting, but here we go!
Friday the 30th...Greg ended up working at Savannah Blues, possibly his last night? We'll see what happens once he comes back from WI. He didn't get home until 6am, so he was pooped out and slept in saturday. That was the end of his official first week back on the went well, and he was able to put in overtime too. So far he is enjoying it! Saturday, ran some errands during the day and Greg didn't work that night so we actually did something! :) First we started at the Caledonia, it's a British based pub that's only been open for a couple months. No food there, but a couple had a dog named Nancy (teehee, some of you might get it!) tied to the pool table. So then we went on to the Crystal Beer Parlor and it's OLD. Greg decided he didn't want to eat there, not sure we had a beverage and then moved on. We decided on trying Fiddler's...something new to add to the experience. We weren't too impressed tho. I had a crab cake samich and it was eh and the fries were blah. So don't worry, we won't take you there. Greg had a Black & Bleu Burger and said his was good...the medium rare was pretty rare in the middle, good for those that like it to moo!
After din-din we walked around River Street for awhile...there was a gajillion people and it was hot. Ugh. We meandered around and then eventually went home.
Let's see, Sunday...did some good couch potato action and then eventually headed out to Moe's for some lunch and then stopped at Publix to pick up food for dinner. I had already picked up corn-on-the cob the other day so we needed a compliment food. We went for all the glory and did our first round of Crab Legs at HOME! Oh heavens-to-betsies, it was deeeeee-licious!!! Greg was a little skeptical of trying it, but I think I talked about it enough the past couple months and was he glad he changed his mind! And they were on sale, extra bonus.

And here's what Porter does while we eat...I can't help it he sows down his food too fast!

After dinner we walked down to River St (we drove saturday night). We stopped at McDonough's for hydration on the way. It's close to where I work. Then continued on our way. Oh yes, our main point of this journey was to get pictures of the big boats...well, it was dark of course and I did what I could! Which wasn't much, no pictures yet...have to go in the daylight.
After walking around and visiting with people and one boxer girl that could've been Porter's baby sister we headed to City Market (the area where Greg works.) We checked out the new Wild Wings, it was cool, but didn't eat, can't spoil the afterglow of crab legs! There was a band outside (I think someone is playing there every sunday) so we hung out and took Greg's picture at his post.

Georgia law: Alcohol Serving establishments can not be open on sunday unless they serve food. Hence the closed doors of Savannah Blues and other establishments on sunday. No Alcohol Sales On Sunday! Cant' even buy stuff at grocery stores or gas stations. But if you're an eaterie, have at it! Man, someone has a lot of time on their hands to get that detail on the populations and technicalities of hours! Effingham County is a DRY County (north west of us I believe).
And then we walked home on the lighted streets of Savannah safe and sound. Monday morning came and we all went to work! Tonight there are fireworks out on Tybee Island, but we're not sure if we want to deal with all the traffic. It's a pain just on the weekend! Plus Greg isn't home yet and it's 6:30 already. So we'll probably wait for tomorrow and go down to River Street for those fireworks. Yay!
That's about it! OH WAIT!
Someone walked into work this morning, asked for Me, I said that's me and she said I was supposed to ask for you...and I said for what? And she said for work. And I said, ooooh, I'm supposed to be training you? and she said yeah. and I said Mr. Manager you know about this? and he said yes and I said, you could'a told me under my breath. So now, I am officially a supervisor in my eyes. Teehee! She's alright, likes to smoke, p.u. We'll see what happens there!
Now that's it. Hope ya'll are having a great holiday weekend!!! Don't burn off your eyebrows!
Kate & Greg
p.s. if you're wondering what to get Greg for his birthday, he made a Amazon wish list too. He's the greg sutton with the Electric Co on his list...not how to build a boat greg sutton. :)
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