Well, we made it...and we're all in one piece!
Call me Charles Jr, but I went with what he did to journal his trip and here it is for ya'll...
3/31 Friday
39,716 miles (Penske truck) @ 9:37a.m. we left Beaver Dam. Greg's mom was there to see us off after her 3rd to last day at the YMCA! We got on 151 to Madison and holy crap was it windy. The truck would rock back and forth, I felt sea sick and white knuckled it for awhile.
39,766 10:57a.m. What the?!?!? A freaking tire shredded!!! We had to pull over on 39, luckily we were 100 feet from Hwy N exit and were able to get up there and into a truck stop. Penske sent a fix-it dude...while waiting, we were witness' to a hilarious bout of "Semi-loving" (my own term). Ms. Nurse waited for Mr. Trucker for awhile, Mr. Trucker showed up, Ms. Nurse joined him in the truck for a smoke...next thing we knew (the tire guy showed up and he distracted us for awhile) if the truck is a rockin' don't come a knockin' was in full effect! Eeegads. Anyways, had to share the terror with everyone!
12:13pm we're back on the road. We also notice the rocking in the wind isn't as bad either.
40,076 5:28p.m. We docked in Effingham, IL for the night. Hard day of driving for Greg with all the winds and we didn't have far to go tomorrow. We ate at LoneStar and went to TGI Friday's for a beverage and discovered the local bowling alley. 36 lanes of regular joes bowling. The accent may already start down here, but the beautiful bodies, no. Haha!
4/1 Saturday
8:30a.m. We hit the road again...much calmer day and Greg is starting to feel better (from the previous weeks attack of the food poisoning).
40,231 10:44a.m. we hit Kentucky, FINALLY. Illinois is so long and boring.
11:26a.m. we see our first Waffle House and know we're in the South now!
40,324 12:25p.m. Tennessee (and a phone call from Sara).
40,371 1:06p.m. We easily find the Ramada by the coliseum...I go to check in and no pets allowed. Well, what the crud is that? So after hassling with them and hotels.com and driving around looking for nothing, we find a helpful Quality Suites where the owner happens to be there and grants us permission to have Porter at his Best Western Airport Inn. So about 3pm we check in there and about 4pm Randy gets to the hotel via shuttle from the airport via being Greg Sutton to get the shuttle in the first place. Whew. But dangit, we're in Nashvegas baby, nothing can bring us down here!!! We went down to Music Row (taxi!) and ate at Hooters. Checked out Printers Alley and found Lonnie's Karaoke, enjoyed that for a bit, got suckered into Nashville Nites with a bunch of weirdos...Checked out Coyote Ugly of course and went to Wannabe's for a little more karaoke singing. None of us sang, but listened and had a good time. So we were all happily content and silly by 10:30pm and went back to the hotel for the night.
4/2 Sunday
5,569 8:17a.m. I move over to the Durango so Greg and Randy could drive the Penske. We sprang ahead for daylight savings and realize we'll loose another hour when we hit the Georgia border. Ugh. The best quote of the trip, "we're drinking our way to Georgia", says Buzz.
5,693 10:15a.m. Tennessee River (reminds me of Whisky River)
5,720 10:40a.m. Somewhere around here we hit GA! We got onto I75 S and I think that was it. Foggy, wet and feels a little warm out. So it's the time zone change too, so it's really 11:40.
5,806 1:00p.m. (I forget if I added in the time change or not.) We stopped for lunch by Kennesaw State University. Wherever that is. After lunch I drove.
5,901 2:55p.m. First Savannah Sign
5,928 3:15p.m. First Confederate Flag sighting.
6,180 6:00pm We made it!!!
Porter did great the whole time...but now he's a little confused or something. He hasn't really eaten and has to get used to us walking him for his bathroom breaks, not just shoved out the door. So we'll see how that goes. The place is about 75% set up...I'm having some issues with all my kitchen stuff. Ebay sale coming up! It's still a awesome place, but we'll have some getting used to cramped quarters here. Should've sold more at the rummage sale! Haha! We'll figure it out, don't worry. Give us a couple weeks to get everything straight and learn the right roads to go down without running into squares.
My mom and dad leave tomorrow. They were so helpful too. We did a lot on sunday and monday, but kind-of gave up today (tuesday) and they leave tomorrow. But we got A LOT accomplished I think.
It is 10:30 here...Boston Legal is on right now...this is going to take some getting used too also! Shows a hour later, Monday night football lasting until 3 in the morning...maybe not that bad, but that's what it will feel like. Teehee!
Okay, I tried to add pictures and still having issues...I'll get 'em someday!
Nighty night from Georgia!
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