Had ultrasound # something or other on wednesday (25 weeks 1 day). The official stats: Leftie (A, my left) is 1lb 10oz and measured at 25 weeks 2 days. Rightie (B, my right) is 1lb 12oz and measured at 24 weeks 6 days. So that is excellent that their growth is so close. Remember, no worries until there is a 20% difference. That means one is stealing from the other and most likely delivery day. So their positions: Leftie is head down still, kind-of at an angel across my whole stomach. Poor Rightie on the other hand...her head is up in my ribs (poor me right there) and is in a very crunched fetal position where she is almost kissing her knees. So that means her butt is smack dab in Leftie's face. I hope she doesn't stink like her brother! Teehee! And their heart rates were both at 143 I think. And I was at the doc today...my weight is up there, but I'm having a brain fart at what it was last time. I'm either 2lbs or 7lbs heavier in two weeks. I'm going to go with the 2 pounds thank you very much. The doc did say I popped out.
Here are some pics. They're legs are kind-of tangled together, the tech had a hard time following who was who!
Rightie - weird face shot (never looks the same in the still photos) and her arm. I think it's her arm...it could very well be her leg.

Rightie's hand - the middle thing, you can see the bones.

Leftie's face - bizarre. At the right of the picture you can see the two halves of her brain...freaky!

Leftie's butt! Which is butt up so that and her feet push out on me.

and me. 25 weeks. I of course just noticed those nasty marks in the picture. I can not see them myself. I haven't looked that close in the mirror so I don't know if I can even see them that way. I thought that side was a little sore.

Well, look how cute and tiny I was at 25 weeks with Jake. Hrumph. At least there isn't much difference in the back end. :)

And Mr. Smiley himself...yes, he is smiling for the camera...he has turned into a cheese ball. And his hair is growing out nicely! haha! He can climb up on toilets now and pretty much whatever else he wants to. T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

Back to the doc in 2 weeks! They must love me. Oh, and I was the only special one in that office having twins right now, but a newbie popped up today!