So alright, Greg "tried" to cut Jake's hair. He did not follow instructions, but it was going okay...until...buzzz...oops.
The before shot...notice here there already is something suspicious looking going on with the bangs. Yeah...Daddy tried to cut those too a couple weeks ago.

The during shot...Wasn't too happy about the whole thing...he KNEW something was wrong!

Yelling at Daddy... "YOU'RE FIRED!!!"

The remnants.

Back to being happy since I can run around in my diaper and shut the door and flush the toilet and play with the heater and...

So I was going to let it grow for a few days and take him to a pro to get this straightened out. Hopefully you won't even notice the fashion mishap.
We got a new boiler this past week. Not by choice, by another misadventure. We had someone come in to do a "check up" and well, it failed. But, hopefully all the money we save with mr. efficiency as opposed to mr. dinosaur will be great!
Here's the old hunk 'o junk (see all the brown rusty looking spots? That's where the carbon was leaking out.)

And the new and improved beauty.

Ew, you know what's gross? Cold Hot cocoa. Blach!
Well, that's it for now, the monster has awoke! Oh yeah, why am I home? I'm "temporarily" laid off until January. Guess I will have time to make cookies and fudge. Whew! :)
Later gang!