Thursday, July 31, 2008


I googled my name and this is what I found. I think I can draw that good myself. But I think the counting sheep one is cute.

And did you know Jakers is a London photographer? ahhh, okay...don't look too close at that at work. I kind-of like this one better.

Let's see what Greg does...well, he either plays soccer or basketball. Or, teehee, a doctor!

Aww, that was fun! We're a creative family!

I'm waiting patiently for some stuff at work...I don't have any new pictures handy right now. If I have time later or tonight I will post some! We were in BD this weekend to celebrate a few things and took some cute pics!

Toodles, I heard the fax machine, I hope it's for me!

p.s. my work has the crapiest copier. I was pretty spoiled at Savannah Blue!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mercer & the Angie-thon

I've got a little time right now...waiting for the sheets in the dryer. Had to wash everything...a) Angie got black marker on my sheets! but don't worry, it came out. and B) had to cleanse out the pink eye! Yup, Jake got his first "official" bought of pink eye. Never saw the doc or a nurse. Called the doc's office, nurse called me:

"Is there puss in his eyes?"
"I'll call in a prescription for some medicine."

And of course I forgot both sets are in the wash, so dang. Here I wait.

Mercer!! Good time, good weather!

Jake & Pops sitting on Steve's picnic table on his deck.

Jake & Grandma at Lake Superior. It was pretty cool! I brought home a rock.

Potato River Falls! That was neat too. I brought home a rock. :) And some bug bites.

Oooh, photo trickery.

Beaver gnawings!

Jakers first boat ride!! He fell asleep.

Porter ran down the stairs to the pier, ran out on the pier, did puppy sprints on the little pier that floats on the water, did not fall in, started running back up to the stairs and jumped in the lake. He didn't go much deeper than this, I think he was just thirsty.

Jakers first pickle! Deeelicious!

On to the triathlon! Niece Angie did the Danskin Tri right in our front yard practically on sunday. She did a stupendous job, met all her goals (Finishing and not walking) and had a great cheerleading section. Well, except for when Jake fell asleep...that's okay, we didn't see her then. Those sports beans are for the birds!

Yay cousin Angie! Way to g...wait, what's this shiny thing?

My wind blown locks and my new medal! I gave it back, I'm a boy and this is a girls event!

My 2nd bus ride! To and from the event...2 bus rides in one day! It was awesome!

Monday night, a boy and his dog, wondering what the world is up to.

Are my freaking sheets done yet?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Just one for now

june 28th

Mercer stuff to come...good night.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Go North my good man

We're going up north this weekend...wayyyyy this close to the U.P. (that's the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for you out of staters.) Here are some pictures to keep you sedated until we get back (and I hope it doesn't take me 3 weeks to post those pictures!)

Damn, I am one gooood looking dude.Check out my sweet ass ride.

Here i can be seen posing in front of our house. Ma was trimming a bush. The tree behind me is gone now, farewell fare tree.
I like to eat, I like to eat, I like to eat, eat hellllicopters...

My swing! My SWIIIIINNNNGGGG is over THHHHHERrrrrrrreeeee!!!

Ahhh, what is this? It's glorious, fantastic...

...sweet, sweet cookie dough...ogghhhhhh...

I eat nanners and messy stuff in the sink. Then I get hosed off.

2/3 of the upstairs is sanded and varnished! Whoohoo!

A decorated house! Here's the glorious dinning room.

And the opposite way of the dinning room. Yeah, that's all I got so far. Sorry!