Friday, July 27, 2007

Can we start the countdown?

34 weeks done, 6 to tho, technically 5 and a half. Or we could even say 4 and a half if things stay the way they were/are. Or if they move, who knows how much longer this could go on! Things are popping out, waddling is occurring and living in the right side ribcage is still in effect. Which I guess is good for the bathroom aspect, I don't normally get up during the night...I can make it to the wee hours of the morning (hahaa, wee hours!)

And if you can handle it, this is what I see when I look down. Ick.

Holy crap. (Just had a minor reality check.)

The other night I came home from work and putz'd around for awhile (you know, that after work "high", hunger and thirst?) And then I found this!

Someone fell asleep reading Harry Potter! Which is okay, 'cause I think that was the same day I did the same thing.

Doctor tuesday the 31st, ultrasound later that week. I think that's it for now!

Sorry, no goat eating shorts pictures...I gave him a stern talking to tho.

Monday, July 23, 2007

There's nothing like the smell...

...of Poison and cow shit!!!

We ended up going to the Fond du Lac County Fair (in the fine city of Fond du Lac) this weekend after the family reunion and seeing Poison in all their glory!!! It was so awesome. Thor enjoyed it immensely too, he was head banging and dancing all around. Ce Ce's (lead quitar, the short blond hair'd one) teeth are electric white and he's all tan, they glowed in the dark, it was hilarious! But man he can smooth talk the crap out of his geee-tar. Bret Michels was sure to promote his new show on VH1 and talked way too much. They did some covers, apparently their new album is covers (Def Leppard just did that too, what is the deal? No one can think of new lyrics these days?) Ohhh, and Ce Ce sang a song and it was horrible!!! The whole crowd was just standing there staring at him like "what the crap?" It was hilarious...but he got the pity clap. Bret changed his shirt 3 or 4 times. He sure does love himself! haha!

These opportunities is another reason to love it up here. Poison for $10, hand battered deep fried cheese curds, gyros, beer and cows all in one place. Oh yeah, and a goat that tried to eat my shorts.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

33 weeks, the shower and stuff

Here we are at 33 weeks! Thor's been really living up to his name today...he lives in my ribs and I think he likes to stretch out and practice right hooks and kickboxing on whatever is near. A few of them have hurt could've been all the excitement of breaking open the 1/2 pound Hershey bar from Niagara Falls I got from my niece. :)

The doctor appointment: super fine...gained 2 lbs in the last 3 weeks. We go back in 2 weeks and will get to meet another one of the doctors at the practice, which is good...if we go naturally it'll depend on which one of the four docs is on call who delivers. If we have to do the c-section, it'll be one week before the due date. I didn't get into specifics, as in picking the exact day tho...we'll wait and see what the next ultrasound will entail. That will be in the first week of August. That's about all I learned I guess. After this next appointment (July 31st) I get to start going every week! Oh boy.

The shower: awesome! A great turn-out and fabulous gifts all around! Here's just a small sampling. :) The diaper cake was so cool! And here I am with the delicious cake! It was marble with mint chocolate chip ice cream, good job Renee! Her neighbor made it who is actually opening a bakery in Beaver Dam towards the end of the summer.
There's more pictures out there...I'm waiting to see them myself! :) My battery died.

Lake Days: That was fun! I made it until bar time saturday night, can you believe it?!?! It was nice being outside at the park as long as we were...that kept me cool and comfy. Got to see some people, but it wasn't too obscene.

This weekend is the Sutton Family Reunion...we'll come to BD saturday and leave sunday morning (either Porter farted or there's a skunk in the neighborhood, yuck!) 'cause I have to work at the Target alllll day. I would like to wear a sign there too...the customers like to know when I'm due and what it is and is this your first? I saw a nurse there too that works in the baby ward where Thor will be born...she said that births are double this year as to last at this time! Holy smokes. She said hopefully it'll slow down when we come in...she's really hoping it does!

Ohhh, good news! We got a reasonable offer on the house! Yay! We're just waiting for some final word on one part and then it's good as done. Everyone keep their fingers crossed the next couple days!

Alright, I'm tired and I can't think anymore. I'm finally getting that baby brain or mommy brain, whatever it's called. Zoinks.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

8 weeks (or less) to go!

Here we are at 32 weeks. I still fit in my own shirts even! huh.

Got a confirmation phone call from the doctor the other day...the placenta hasn't moved yet, I'll have 2 more ultrasounds between now and then and if it doesn't move we're looking at scheduling a c-section. I'm assuming this would be scheduled earlier than the due date as they do not let you go naturally with this due to bleeding. So I want to take a poll! Please leave a comment suggesting a date and the reason why! If it's for logistical reasoning or sharing a birthday reason, we'll take all into consideration. :)

I've started working at Target...last week was my first week, did I say this already? Apparently they're the only place in the world that doesn't care if you're pregnant when they hire you. It's been going well. I got to train in Food Avenue on monday...I didn't realize how good the dang food is there! The pretzels, the pizza, the popcorn! Fall of 2008 they have plans to open a new bigger store down the road and then that'll have that Starbucks Pizza Hut type food area that all the new ones have. I was trained there and at the service desk so I'd be available to cover breaks, but mainly I'm a cashier. I think if I want more hours I could sign up for those areas now too.

Greg turned 35 yesterday! I was attempting to make him one of his favorite meals, Baked Chop Suey, and apparently i was screwing up before I put the meat in the pan (brown hamburger first) so he took over, and made his own birthday meal. Oops. And being the hormonal nut-job I am, I got all depressed.

I'm currently waiting for the cable guy...he has 45 minutes to get here. Slacker.

Is everyone excited Harry Potter opened today? No clue when we'll get around to seeing it...when it comes out on video? Speaking of, we went to the video store for the first time in eons last night and there is crap for new releases out there. I subscribe to netflix, which I totally love and highly recommend! It's great for me because Greg would never rent all the chick flicks I want to see.

That's it! Have a good rest of the week. My shower is this weekend, yahoo!!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Time flies when you're buildling a baby!

Here we are at 31 weeks. 31 weeks...I thought I'd never get past 30.

Oh dear, are those love handles? Go away!

It's the fourth...we didn't do much, went for a drive around some area towns, did some damage at the grocery store, ate, a lot. Pretty much a veggie day staying out of the heat. I worked 2 nights at the Target so far. Simple as a dimple if you ask me. I got to check out my first box of condoms last night, teehee! So hard not to giggle.

Oh my, I just saw Russia wins the 2014 Olympics. Was that the one Chicago was battling for? Oh, it's for the 2016 ones. So the summer ones. Who wants to go to Russia in the winter? Didn't these people watch Rocky 4?

We did get internet in our sweet apartment now, so I am hooked up. We have some adjustments to make yet, like getting a splitter so we don't have to unplug the tv or internet depending on what we're doing...and we really need more furniture...oh it's just glorious...hopefully in the next couple weeks we'll get everything set up...and then in the next few weeks after that, rearrange everything to fit Thor and his belongings. Whew!

So speaking of making the coaxial switch, it's that time. Nighty night!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

30 weeks, Summerfest, Ultrasounds, Jobs, Wedding...

I could go on and on...but more important...Here's the precious bundle of joy on Friday (6/29). He has hair! Buzz cut currently, but possibly coming out ready for a mullet! 3lbs 8oz right now. He wasn't very cooperative either, he had both hands and a foot down around his face, so this is the best pic I guess. (Very flexible I must say.)

And here's his pudgy little hand. Heee!
And the whole reason we were there, the placenta thing...hasn't moved. The ultrasound tech pointed everything out to us (yes, Greg got to go for once, he was off for our summerfest fun) and it's just hanging over a little bit...enough for a c-section probably. But, it may still move yet...she said I'll probably have another u/s in 3 weeks or so. I did pass the 2nd glucose test. The doc said a lot of times women that fail the first one and go on to pass the 2nd one have bigger babies (the tech didn't have that happen tho!) So we'll see if that's right! What else did I learn...not much. Got a name for a pediatrician/family doctor so need to set that up. I go back in 3 weeks, July 17th. And then he said after that it will be every week...that seems like a lot to me, 7 weeks every week? I thought it was more of the last month is every week? Hmm. We'll see.

And here is me at 30 weeks...

A frontal shot, ew.

So what else has been going on. I did my orientation for Target! I start tomorrow night...whoohoo! At least it's something to do, and a 10% discount for me! Yay!

Mike & Christine's wedding was a blast. Good time had by's a shot of how gorgeous we were. It was a little sunny of course, a little warm, but I did just fine, drank my water, danced like nobody was watching and enjoyed my updo.

Summerfest was a blast on friday. Styx and Foreigner rocked the house. Def Leppard was good too...except they go and cover a couple songs that are hideous. I don't remember the second one, but the first one is that stupid "hey, kids, rock and roll...jimmy dean sausage" garbage. Of course they lead into those 2 songs with a slow song. It was the perfect 15 minutes of sit down time for me. Yay! But they did play some more older tunes than last time, which was awesome. (We saw them about 2 years ago in Madison with Mike & Christine...they did the same thing with the covers too...and Tesla opened for them, which was eh.) But here's the only picture I took of the day...right when we were getting onto 94 from Kenosha (Brett & Diann were with us too) there was a little accident.

Yes, it was an Illinois driver, it was a Mercedes SUV and it was on its side. We didn't see any people by then or other vehicles, so one could only guess high speeds (typical Illinoisian) and erratic lane changing (again, typical Illinoisian). Learn yer lesson people!

So the weather was awesome at Summerfest, the food was delightful, fun was had by all.

Now we just came to BD for a bit to mow the lawn and grab some more stuff. Greg's doing a fine job mowing & trimming...I'm doing a find job of updating the world. We'll be back next weekend...I plan on coming friday and working at the shop and Greg will come up saturday. We'll both have haircuts and hang out and grab more stuff. And then the weekend of the 13th, watch out! Not only is it my shower, but it is also Lake Days, Burnett Fireman's picnic (softball tourney for Greg hopefully) and the bestest, a visit from Sara & Tarzan! So please plan accordingly. :)

Have a Happy 4th! Practice safety with your firecrackers!