Saturday, January 06, 2007
Digital Short
Let's see some pictures!
We stopped in Charlotte for lunch (not the best food, but interesting sites) and found our way to the race track!
Charlotte Motor Speedway...on turn 4, the bank was huge!
Home stretch!

And then we made it to Lambeth's house in Winston/Salem. It was a fun weekend and we had a great time! We got there saturday, went out for mexican...sunday was christmas eve and we putz'd around, saw Old Salem (very old) and then had supper at their house with the families. Then we hung out in the basement and got silly with the kareoka machine and camera.
Perry (son), Edith (gramma), Kathy (sister), Kim (host) Everyone celebrating Christmas at the Lambeth's
Kate, Perry, Savannah (Perry's girl), Edith, Kashemi (hostess), Kim, Kathy, Guy (Kathy's hubby)
Monday we had breakfast at Kashemi's parents and then headed off on the longest drive ever.
It was a rainy day at the Bull Durham field
We eventually made it home (not without a stop at the Waffle House for our Christmas lunch!) and anticipated the arrival of my family on the 28th. They did show up and we ate and ate and ate and ate. It's the best thing about Savannah, all the food! :) We went to Cosentino's, Crab Shack, Pirates House, Jalepeno's, Augie's...I can't even remember it all! But everyone had a good time, i think, and we celebrated the New Year's down at City Market. The weather was so warm and don't forget the humidity!