Thursday, March 30, 2006
Birthday Girl
I do have a picture to prove it, but blogger is being testy of course. I'll get it when we're docked in Savannah.
Peace out ya'll!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
2nd To Last
I wasted half the day at the docs office waiting for turtle to copy my file and then we went up nort'. It's only 1/2 hour away, so not really north north...north by north west or something like that. Remember, women tell directions by landmarks. We had a good time...Greg went and finished the taj majal (with assistance from Rick & Steve, yesterday his dad helped too), although he wouldn't take pictures of it...I guess he doesn't want to brag. I'm just kidding! It's just a wooden box with a roof over it! And a staircase, now you know he's living the high life! Meanwhile us gals, Me, Shelly and Mom Sutton, went to Oshkosh to get a couple pictures we had framed. And then we got back and we all went to Headers for some wings and good times. It was Ladies & Karaoke dog! Greg's Dad sang and the whole audience clapped and whistled...well, there were about 10 people there besides us, but that was more of a reaction than what the gal that ran the show got! Impressive! yay!
So here's a couple pictures from the night...

Now kids, we'll be shutting the computer down and just have quick checks at email maybe until monday or tuesday...then we'll be back in action! Have an excellent weekend, enjoy April Fools and stay great!
Until the Georgia Peaches greet us with smiling faces,
Kate & Greg
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Yup, game on people, the end is near, the dawn is coming...
What's been going on...Greg first, his update is nice and he was up at his parents on the hunting grounds working on a new super deeeeluxe hunting stand. Stair case, roof, I think a hot tub too. Other than that he finished work and skipped out whistling Dixie. Yahoo! Greg, what else have you been doing? Eating places with me I guess...oh, and being sick. Food poisoning, flu, cold? A neat mix of everything I guess, hopefully he turns a corner soon and is 100% on friday!
Now me on the other hand, whew!
Last Thursday we did our last Roedl Girl Shopping Extravaganza in Madison. Every December we usually go to Mayfair mall for Taylor's picture with Santa and a little Christmas shopping. This time we had a purpose tho, ourselves and our future trips! Savannah and California! We're all going to Cali in April for a Celebration of Sara and Charles and Tarzan (that's the fetus' name).
So here's a couple pics from that, the little super model (I think Sara taught her that pose actually)
and me and her with the $4 Color Spongebob cookie.(I'm not really drunk)
Thursday night we decided to cruise over to Manchester to have a pizza at the Hitching Post (who knew he had a website).
Friday we went to Oshkosh to Kodiak Jack's, it was delicious! We met Greg's parents there and ate with all the wildlife...really, lots of full body mounts or crazy animals, not just deer. And then we went to the local watering hole back home.
Saturday...the day Greg got sick. I think I got a lot of packing done? It's all a blur during the day. But that night we went and saw Diann's house (sweet fire pit out back!) and went to Snapper Vick's for supper with them (Brett & Diann) and Joe & Lisa. We had to cut that evening a little short due to Greg's illness, we'll make up for it, don't worry!
Sunday: Guess what? More packing! How could you think anything different? And you'll never guess what delicious food was eaten that night! Give up? I myself ate a whole box of cheesy rice-a-roni. MmmMmmm. Exciting stuff.
Monday: The Mine Shaft in Hartford (see previous post) with Mom, Dad and Jane. It was so-so...but a good time. And no, we didn't go up to the $2million game room. That was lunch...we had 2 games of volleyball that night and went to Dos Gringos to patronize our it was margaritas, chips, salsa and cheese dip for supper for me! And I wonder why my belly makes funny noises. haha, it doesn't really...maybe a little.
And that catches us up to Tuesday! I had to go to Mom's house to make someone's birthday present...ran errands with my chauffeur (that'd be my mom). Greg was up working on the taj majal and I wasn't allowed to use the car. I did more packing and I finished the kitchen! Got started on my clothes...whoopeee. And then tonight! Tara, Megan, Angie, Tyler and I went to Dos Gringos for a "last supper". It was delicious of course!
Then I picked up Greg at his brother Steve's...he delivered Steve's purchase, 2004 Grand Prix...and came home, watched Elizabethtown (so-so) and here I am!
And off I go to bed...quit boring you. Tomorrow afternoon we're going north so Greg can finish his stand and then we're all (us, mom, dad, Steve, Rick) are going for some wings! Guess what I'll be doing in the morning? Duh.
Friday, March 24, 2006
It's a Hit

Saturday night Renee & Rick threw us a little going away party at Morry's. It was fun and good to see everyone "one last time".
We've been having our "last meals" all around! Last night was pizza at The Hitching Post up in Manchester. Today I'm having lunch with some ex-Royle associates at Glass Nickel Pizza. Greg's debating over Chili Johns or some gyro. I'm hoping he goes for Chili Johns, Gyro breath is pretty nasty. Tuesday I have a girls dinner at Dos Gringos...Monday I have a lunch with Jane and others over in Hartford at The Mine Shaft. We had wings at The Bar in Oshkosh a couple weeks week is wings at Headers in Kingston...more to come I'm sure! Out with the old and in the new pretty soon.
Not much else going on...Still trying to recuperate from the garage sale and get the house cleaned up, which is impossible while trying to pack too! Greg's working on the outside while I putz around inside. Hmm, maybe if I just pick up the pace a little bit...teehee!
The countdown is on, 1 week to go! Next friday, the 31st, we'll be leaving Beaver Dam with the Penske truck, Durango and the shirts on our backs. Well, I'm taking a few more shirts...and Porter...and my mom and dad are coming and...
Friday, March 10, 2006
Just Some Blab
The rummage/moving sale is next week, thurs-sat. I put a lovely ad in the paper...I wonder if it'll be the first one of the season? I forgot to ask. I saw the weather tonight too...not looking too promising, so wear your cuddl duds! haha! I'll also have the first brats of the season too! I will be selling brats and sodas, so if you need lunch, stop on by! And if you're interested in buying or selling anything, stop by wednesday evening or day for a preview sale! I'll be gone in the morning (interested car buyer), but will be home around call first if you're making a morning trip!
Alright, my brain is fried...but I will include this bit of a gem, a real life Simpson's Intro...Hilarious! And then again, nutt-o when you think about real life imitating a cartoon. (Brought to my attention by Charles, and I saw it elsewhere while cruising the blogs.)
Nighty Night!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Friday: we got into Savannah by noon and it was 75 degrees. Glorious! Got the rental car, which they graciously upgraded to a Lincoln Town Car…I think I aged about 30 years just driving that thing around. But it was a nice ride! The Enterprise guy actually gave us some good information and started our journey with that in mind. First stop, hotel, Planters Inn. It’s a great old place with very friendly staff. I’d recommend it to anyone. We had an appointment to view a house that was “completely refurbished”. Right. It was nice, but since the bathrooms scared the bejesus out of me, we politely passed. We took a taxi to this place and she waited for us and from there we went to a realtor/property manager to look at their list and get some keys. Needless to say we couldn’t find half of the places and the other half scared us. We ended up on Wilmington Island to look at one or two and decided to drive around there to look at the other places available. This is like a suburb of Savannah and has a lot of apartment complex type places. We stopped at one that was “THE place to live on the island”…I don’t know what that lady is smoking. Yuck. It would’ve been like living in a hotel. So needless to say Friday was a bust, but at least we got some ideas of the areas and what was all out there.
Friday evening we ate at Spanky’s (the place we had so much fun at last time, see pic in previous post). The food was alright. We had some of their famous chicken fingers and a pizza. Then we stopped at Churchill’s Pub…modeled after an English pub and usually packed. We talked to a bartender there about apartments and she said there’s a bunch every day just popping up and to get the Penny Saver and Connect or Accent papers. After a beverage there we walked back towards the hotel and found a Connect or Accent…one of the two anyways! We stopped at the Planter’s Inn Tavern, which is under The Olde Pink House, which all are supposedly haunted also. We had a beverage there, accomplished not to pass out tired into it and went back to the hotel for a night of sleep.
Saturday morning we got rolling and first on our agenda was to look at a house in the ‘burbs on Norwood Ave. It was an alright house, painted horrendous colors on the inside and beat to crap from the previous renters. But it did have a fenced in yard and lots of space with a garage, so we asked for an application and said we’d keep it in mind. While we were waiting for the guy to come I called a couple places in the paper and got thru to one to make an appointment. So off we went back to town. We got there a little early so we drove around looking for Rent signs and scenery. Then it was time. We met Rhondda at 225 E Bolton and were pleasantly surprised. It was a group of 10 “condos” recently refurbished…the one we were looking at was bought by a couple in New York who someday plan on retiring there. You want your retirement home to be awesome right? Well so did they. We both really liked it and went back to Rhondda’s place (just a few blocks away) and filled out the application and had more discussions. But of course we needed the checkbook and neither one of us brought it along. So we set up a time to come back later and in the meantime we went and got that and monkeyed around. We went out to Oglethorpe mall. It’s huge! Of course like any other mall with all the other crap around it. But we went in the mall and I went into a Verizon store and asked as many questions as I could. So then we walked around and discussed it and ended up leaving the mall with a new cell phone. Nothing fancy of course, no camera and that…just something to blab with! We figured that this made the move written in stone since we now have a Savannah phone number! The Oaks (where the Enterprise car guy lives) and saw a couple of models there and they were halfway normal and decent so we took the information for there and planned on using this as a back-up. We went out to Tybee Island too. This the THE place to go in the summer for the beach. It was a little windy and chilly (around 53) when we were there, but there was lots of beach area and stuff to do! And back to town we went, afterall, we'll have all the time in the world to check things over!
Saturday night we went to eat at The Pirate’s House. It is a very old place, containing the oldest house in Savannah somewhere inside. I couldn’t find it, but it was there! It used to be an old watering hole for sailors, pirates or whatever other seamen…Supposedly Captain Flint died here and may still be haunting the place. But the food was delicious and neat ambiance. It was a bit of a wait to get in, but you’ll have that in a tourist town! There was one gal bartending before dinner and Greg said “they need to find you some help” and she said “they do, but they get scared and quit!” So after dinner Greg decided to fill out an application for a bartending job. After that we went to Churchill’s for one and over to Moon River Brewing, which is another haunted spot. The top 3 floors are unfinished because of the spooks scaring off the help!
Sunday: we drove out to Hilton Head. I believe there is a beach, but we couldn’t find a spot to park really…plus we’ll have all summer to find it! Lots of condos and rental cottages along the ocean so couldn’t see behind all the wood! We saw a lot of shops and Wal-Mart, Target, etc and an outlet type mall along the way there. I believe this Target was the first one in the area and now this past year or two they built one by one of the Savannah malls. Whew! While we’re driving around we were patiently waiting for Rhondda to call us with good or bad news. It was anxious couple of hours, but the waiting paid off and we got the place! Downtown living here we come!
After we left Hilton Head we went back to town and parked the car and decided to walk the rest of the day. We tried to eat at Lady & Sons, but couldn’t get in until 3:45 (which was about 2 or 3 hours later). So we walked over to the City Market and only had to wait 20 minutes to get into Vinnie Van Go-Go’s for some pizza. This is supposedly the local’s favorite. It was good and a fun place, but I said more sauce and Greg said more cheese. But while we were waiting we got to talking to a motorcycle dude…got a little info on that and had a fun conversation. Apparently City Market is where a lot of bikers come and hang out. Which we did witness as we were eating lunch. We decided that maybe a motorcycle would be the best form of transportation for Greg…ride it all year long and cheap! So we’ll have the Durango, motorcycle and my bike. One of those should get us to our destinations! After lunch we walked off to Forsyth Park, which is two blocks from our new digs. We had to drop off a Porter deposit with Rhondda and wanted to take another look. Guess what? Of course this is the time my battery in the camera decides to die. Oh well. So we walked back to the hotel (mind you this isn’t a “short” walk, but scenic and interesting) and Greg took a nap and I went down to River Street and did a little browsing.
7:30p.m. we were off to a Ghost Tour! We did this last time we were in Savannah…it was close to the same, but a little different. The stories were told a little differently and she showed us a few different things. But we both agreed our first tour was a little better…he was an excellent storyteller. After this we headed down to River Street to find something to eat. We planned on eating at Tubby’s Tank House and we did! It was another great round of food. After this we went to Spanky’s for a drink, watched the crazy people and then went back for bed. We were going to stop at the Planters tavern, but it looked like they were trying to close up.
Monday morning, we took one last drive by our new “condo” (it’s an apartment with finer details!) and headed off to the airport!
So here it is, a few pictures of where ya'll will be guests at!

Thursday, March 02, 2006
Time To Go For A Bit
Everyone have a good weekend...we'll enjoy the 60+ temps and blue skies and let you know all about them next week!
Kate, Greg and Porter

Porter's last snooze on his couch...the couch is gone, not Porter!